Transaction: 63c47f488619d6d03fec55d333e90a2738ac27d0

Included in block 35,177,793 at 2019/08/01 17:11:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 63c47f488619d6d03fec55d333e90a2738ac27d0
ref_block_num 50,480
ref_block_prefix 1,636,378,154
transaction_num 24
signatures 2011c2ee7c3640205ac3b0a180644b0162f0fdc8c26dec70b3ae47315ebeefb3e72789a80770a83ff939024c932264a2c729ffbb55c3a9e4131e8deb68c52cb1fa
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"peakmonsters",<br>"author":"peakmonsters",<br>"permlink":"guild-faq",<br>"title":"FAQ: PEAKMONSTERS IS ONE TEAM - 4 GUILDS",<br>"body":"It has taken a moment to really solidify the guild service and strategy of Peakmonsters but we're ready put it down on paper for people to see.\nhttps:\/\/\n\n![STEEMPEAK POST 5.png (https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/peakmonsters\/ns9rsoUs-STEEMPEAK20POST205.png)\n\n## FREE SERVICE FOR PAYING USERS\nGuild membership is not an entitlement so therefore: it's not because they spent money they get access to free guilds. It's more of a thanks for having awesome paying customers and we wanted to do something in return which will be a win-win for them and us.\n\n## NO FEE = NO DRAMA\nAdding guilds was not a decision we took lightly... we don't want this experience to put any negative light on a successful business. And seeing we wanted a TOP level competitive team with upward and downward mobility we knew we couldn't expect a membership payments because if someone becomes inactive on the guild they can be removed or moved down... however if you've paid then that would not be cool. (at least would complicate things)\n*We hope other guilds are looking into the future and ready to avoid some of that messiness that may arise when people active now may not play as much in 3-4 months. I hope you have a plan because I don't like seeing drama on Splinterlands.*\n\n## WE MAY ALLOW CONTRIBUTIONS\nThere may come a day we allow our users to contribute DEC (Level 9 and 10 are extremely expensive). However we would also make sure there's a way to get their DEC back if they leave so peakmonsters would have to make sure they could handle that financially (or have others waiting in the wings). \n\n## \"SPONSORED PLAYERS\"\nYes you can indeed consider our top guilds (or at least the premiere) as \"sponsored guilds\". We're for sure taking a page out of the book of many many sports that have companies that put some money down (and maybe some perks) in order to field an awesome team that represents the brand well... obviously this is not something new. But those in the top guild can easily say they're sponsored by Peakmonsters if they so desire. We'll work to make it even more enticing... I think that will come when the game gets bigger and the stake gets bigger.\n\n## 4 GUILDS ONE TEAM?\nYes there will be fluid movement between the 4 guilds... this is something we really really want to stress to all our players. So hopefully they read this. When you join a PeakMonsters guild you should understand this and be ok with this. This is what will make our whole system work and it should be a beautiful thing. @davemccoy has informed us that team possible does the same thing as well. \n\nSo that means there are presently 68 guild members with peakmonsters.\n\n## UPWARD MOBILITY\nThis is obviously a huge perk... you'll be building one guild expecting that the people in the higher guilds are building theirs and when the day comes that you're skills improve and perhaps your deck (thanks to then you'll find a nice place in the higher guild. \nHowever you don't have to move up. I believe some of the lower guilds will likely have higher quest lodges for example because earning scrolls will be easier. \n\n## DOWNWARD MOBILITY\nThis is the tough one... I know this isn't fun sometimes. However we really really want to make sure you're all ok with this possibility. The guild below you has been getting built up as well. And if your rank and your activity comes back then you'll have a place back in the one above. \nWe'll try to do this as little as possible.\nHowever we assume some users may actually request moving down because they're just in it for the DEC perks and some lower guilds may have better quest lodges. \n\nIt's not just your ranking but also your activity (which is usually scroll related for now... but in the future will apply to guild wars) \nIf you're in an ALL guild there really isn't downward mobility... just side to side if you want to play with a friend in another guild for example.\n\n## BUILT IN INCENTIVE SYSTEM\nSo yep we believe that this will keep our users motivated and it will help as a feeder system to make our premiere\/sponsored guild the best in the game we hope. \n\n## 5TH GUILD?\nYep it's likely gonna happen at some point. It will likely be a mid level guild... so it may take players from our already pretty full ALL guilds. We'll wait to see what our players (or you readers) would like. It will probably be for DIAMOND league players. \n\n## USE PEAKMONSTERS\nI've been so surprised at how many people have applied that we were not able to accept because we have a strict policy that they need to have used some really high ranked players we've even passed on (which hurts me a bit) \n1. How have they not used the peakmonsters market? Crazy!\n2. If it's your main playing account but you use another account to buy ... just let us know that still qualifies you.\n\n## ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS\nWe only allow one account per user in our guilds. However if it's a LOW level guild and you want to add a scroll to the guild you are already in with that other account. That may be acceptable... for now. This will not be allowed in the top guilds. The lower guilds are not competitive on the high end and some of the players are pretty new,<br> most users are there for some people to chat with and some of the Quest Lodge perks. It takes 355 scrolls to get to level 5 quest lodge anyway. It's gonna take some time. This is also a way to soften the blow if you are asked to move down... you may be moving into a guild with a better quest lodge. \n- FYI Quest Lodges give DEC bonuses and a discount on DEC purchases.\n\n\n## JOIN CHAMPS\nThis is what we would consider the feeder guild for Premiere aka \"Sponsored\" guild.\nAt the end of the season we will re-evaluate and move top performers into PREMIERE and that will be mostly decided by ranking... scrolls will be the tie breaker if scores are within a few hundred points. So this is a huge incentive to join champs guild.\nWhen other activities are added to guilds we'll look at those (for example guild wars or boss fights)\n\nChamps is a new guild that is still growing... we'll be taking a look at those who make it to champion league this season. But if you made it last season just let us know. \n\n## GUILD LINKS\n- [PREMIERE (https:\/\/\/?p=guild&id=9e90a6ae5ea3f798434028d947dcfc7dcee6a8d3&tab=)\n- [CHAMPS (https:\/\/\/?p=guild&id=e80e77615ee2393a672c636a9bd28394d9497466&tab=)\n- DIAMOND (doesn't exist... yet)\n- [ALL (https:\/\/\/?p=guild&id=02ed5efea46e5b9a0b8ef3aedb26bb31f4e59dcc&tab=)\n- [ALL-2 (https:\/\/\/?p=guild&id=4f1c2d1dff0e35a7999667e9be370b548b784475&tab=)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/1.14.12\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"author\":\"jarvie\",<br>\"description\":\"How the PeakMonsters guild team works. Question and answers.\",<br>\"tags\":[\"peakmonsters\",<br>\"guilds\",<br>\"steemmonsters\",<br>\"splinterlands\",<br>\"spt\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"steemace\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"davemccoy\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\",<br>\"\/@davemccoy\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/?p=guild&amp;id=9e90a6ae5ea3f798434028d947dcfc7dcee6a8d3&amp;tab=\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/?p=guild&amp;id=e80e77615ee2393a672c636a9bd28394d9497466&amp;tab=\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/?p=guild&amp;id=02ed5efea46e5b9a0b8ef3aedb26bb31f4e59dcc&amp;tab=\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/?p=guild&amp;id=4f1c2d1dff0e35a7999667e9be370b548b784475&amp;tab=\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/peakmonsters\/ns9rsoUs-STEEMPEAK20POST205.png\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"asgarth",
"weight":500 ,
"weight":1500 ,
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.