Transaction: 620e3b80306a6905921fb37100b9a117e11d3f0e

Included in block 28,578,779 at 2018/12/15 07:25:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 620e3b80306a6905921fb37100b9a117e11d3f0e
ref_block_num 5,058
ref_block_prefix 4,031,498,307
transaction_num 8
signatures 1f1881210ef9a47a8d1d06c5ffe937ee58e982d67a5bdf057a29c50ad14dae008478a0e8421cd01c2b4fe55f69c658c2e736ceed2f5bf4cefa6cf2f30045339ef8
"parent_author":"upvotenev",<br>"parent_permlink":"pkxxam5cq",<br>"author":"devann",<br>"permlink":"pkpdhcpjq",<br>"title":"Question answered on",<br>"body":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/q\/upvotenev\/pkxxam5cq\">View this answer on<\/a>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"musing\/1.1\",<br>\"appTags\":[\"life\",<br>\"poverty\",<br>\"greed\",<br>\"question\",<br>\"people\" ,<br>\"appCategory\":\"life\",<br>\"appTitle\":\"Why the rich do not sympathize with the poor?\",<br>\"appBody\":\"<p>A poor person who finds it very difficult to earn enough to pay for his basic necessities of life,<br> i.e. food,<br> clothing and shelter,<br> will find it almost impossible to get out of his station in life. That is &nbsp;because he will not find enough time to do things that can improve his station in life learning a new craft or skill that can bring him additional income. If he is earning enough to pay for his food,<br> clothing and shelter,<br> then it becomes easier for him to learn a new craft or skill and slowly improve his station in life.&nbsp;<\/p>\\n<p>This is something many rich people don't understand. They simply assume any person should be able to become rich if he has the motivation to do so. They have never been in the situation of a person who is struggling to earn enough to pay for the basic necessities of life.&nbsp;<\/p>\\n<p>This is why governments &nbsp;should have a minimum wage policy to ensure that its citizens have at least the minimum to pay for their basics. Once they have their basics,<br> then it is up to the citizens to improve their station in life.&nbsp;<\/p>\",<br>\"appDepth\":2,<br>\"appParentPermlink\":\"pkxxam5cq\",<br>\"appParentAuthor\":\"upvotenev\",<br>\"musingAppId\":\"aU2p3C3a8N\",<br>\"musingAppVersion\":\"1.1\",<br>\"musingPostType\":\"answer\" "
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