Transaction: 61d845b905fd703c3550dcffc45547a7aa64815c

Included in block 41,972,744 at 2020/03/26 00:22:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 61d845b905fd703c3550dcffc45547a7aa64815c
ref_block_num 29,686
ref_block_prefix 3,194,541,603
transaction_num 1
signatures 204d7c6aac3f0143046a27c2602bd589b39c68252f0593aa584be5538800fbc05a0132913386e9402e2974c810c4cab7e08bd76c647e464f8e9bc3e9d1bcd18e86
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-167922",<br>"author":"aotearoa",<br>"permlink":"btc-ta-for-03-26-2020",<br>"title":"BTC TA for 03\/26\/2020",<br>"body":"THIS POST WAS WRITTEN IN PORTUGUESE,<br> ENGLISH AND SPANISH LANGUAGES. FOR THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH VERSIONS,<br> PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING DOWN THE PAGE!!\n\nPORTUGUESE VERSION:\n\nBoa noite Steemians,<br> tudo bem?\n\nNo post de hoje,<br> farei outra an\u00e1lise t\u00e9cnica do pre\u00e7o do BTC,<br> com base na ferramenta cl\u00e1ssica de m\u00e9dias m\u00f3veis exponenciais,<br> canais de tend\u00eancia e RSI.\n\nPara realizar essa an\u00e1lise,<br> usei as visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es do gr\u00e1fico de velas da Binance por 1 dia,<br> 1 semana e 1 m\u00eas,<br> respectivamente,<br> juntamente com as curvas m\u00e9dias exponenciais de 7,<br> 21,<br> 50 e 200 dias,<br> canal de tend\u00eancia de pre\u00e7os. e RSI desde 02\/04\/2019. Dessa forma,<br> tenho um escopo mais amplo para poder fazer uma an\u00e1lise mais segura com uma s\u00e9rie hist\u00f3rica maior. Vale lembrar que essa an\u00e1lise visa a m\u00e9dio e longo prazo.\n\nAs m\u00e9dias m\u00f3veis exponenciais s\u00e3o os pre\u00e7os m\u00e9dios para um determinado per\u00edodo de tempo,<br> com o per\u00edodo mais recente tendo o maior peso na constru\u00e7\u00e3o de curvas. Assim,<br> al\u00e9m de fornecer uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o de uma tend\u00eancia,<br> eles reagem mais rapidamente levando em considera\u00e7\u00e3o a volatilidade dos pre\u00e7os de mercado no curto prazo.\n\nM\u00e9dia m\u00f3vel exponencial de 7 dias (EMA 7): azul escuro\n\nM\u00e9dia m\u00f3vel exponencial de 21 dias (EMA 21): amarelo\n\nM\u00e9dia m\u00f3vel exponencial de 50 dias (EMA 50): Vermelho\n\nM\u00e9dia m\u00f3vel exponencial de 200 dias (EMA 200): azul turquesa\n\nCanal de tend\u00eancia: Linha verdes\n\n** ATEN\u00c7\u00c3O: ESTE POST TEM SOMENTE UM OBJETIVO EDUCACIONAL E N\u00c3O DEVE SER TOMADO COMO BASE PARA DECIS\u00d5ES DE INVESTIMENTO. A AN\u00c1LISE SE REFERE APENAS \u00c0 MINHA OPINI\u00c3O E N\u00c3O SOU RESPONS\u00c1VEL POR QUALQUER GANHO OU PERDA DE OPERA\u00c7\u00d5ES COM BASE NA AN\u00c1LISE T\u00c9CNICA DE PRE\u00c7OS. **\n\nVamos l\u00e1!\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/SkGtp3zZ-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.15.png\n\nFonte da imagem: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/n6yxVu6h-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.41.png\n\nFonte da imagem: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/wyoNSP8z-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.58.png\n\nFonte da imagem: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/p8PjGu5p-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.09.12.png\n\nFonte da imagem: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nComo voc\u00ea pode ver nos gr\u00e1ficos acima,<br> a m\u00e9dia m\u00f3vel de 7 dias est\u00e1 acima das demais EMAs. Isso geralmente indica uma tend\u00eancia de alta nos pre\u00e7os. No \u00faltimo dia vimos que o canal de tendencia de baixa foi rompido e eu acredito que estejamos no in\u00edcio de um bull market,<br> pois houve uma reversao de tendencia que foi verificada no dia 25\/10 e que foi posteriormente confirmada com as duas outras velas di\u00e1rias tamb\u00e9m em verde. Entretanto o movimento de alta de precos deve seguir esse aumento paulatino,<br> o que \u00e9 \u00f3timo para o mercado,<br> pois inibe grandes corre\u00e7oes de pre\u00e7os (como a que foi verificada no final de 2017 e come\u00e7o de 2018.\n\nO RSI est\u00e1 no patamar de 47,<br>25,<br> o que pode corroborar o bear market tempor\u00e1rio sobre o qual eu falei acima.\n\nApesar de nos encontrarmos no movimento bull,<br> eu acredito que estamos em uma fase de acumula\u00e7\u00e3o e que,<br> a qualquer momento,<br> o BTC ir\u00e1 retomar a rota de alta de pre\u00e7os. \n\nO pr\u00f3ximo suporte (e tamb\u00e9m o mais forte) est\u00e1 na faixa dos USD$ 9.266,<br>38 (Fibonnacci 0,<br>382). Creio que estejamos caminhando para o pr\u00f3ximo Fibonacci que se encontra em USD$ 11.250,<br>64.\n\nCabe lembrar aqui que essas Fibonaccis foram tra\u00e7adas levando-se em conta a m\u00e1xima hist\u00f3rica dos pre\u00e7os do BTC (de USD$ 19.798,<br>68) desde o dia 17\/12\/2017.\n\nSegue abaixo os prov\u00e1veis suportes e resist\u00eancias para os dias 26 e 27\/03\/2020:\n\nSuportes e Resist\u00eancias:\n\nSuportes:\n\ndia 26\/03 - USD$ 6.050,<br>00\n\ndia 27\/03 - USD$ 6.160,<br>00\n\nResist\u00eancias:\n\ndia 26\/03 - USD$ 8.220,<br>00\n\ndia 27\/03 - USD$ 8.180,<br>00\n\nVoc\u00ea gostou deste conte\u00fado? Ajude-me a manter a qualidade e as postagens regulares doando qualquer quantia em BTC,<br> ETH ou Doge para um dos portf\u00f3lios abaixo.\n\nBTC wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmT35sxC7WxXHrU7BjtfXhGNmcyxj1STWP4sKBH5q5cHcs\/btc%20wallet.JPG\n\n\nETH wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmfP4wXGaTVcUnfnhpSHf9PQjpHjCFZuHWxh27ggDLZjhY\/eth%20wallet.JPG\n\n\n\n_DOGE wallet:_\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmbVVdBtgcswH7NHmtEsqfvyt3sS3f2aaWsu3kKg616CsT\/doge%20wallet.JPG\n\n\n STEEM wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\n SBD wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\n\nJuntos n\u00f3s podemos fazer com que o #Steemit cres\u00e7a ainda mais forte e mais r\u00e1pido!\n\n\nPosts Recentes:\n\n[TC TA for 03\/24\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-24-2020)\n\n[My Investment Portfolio on B3 (03\/22\/2020) (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/my-investment-portfolio-on-b3-03-22-2020)\n\n[TC TA for 03\/22\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-22-2020)\n\n\nSPANISH VERSION:\n\nBuenas noches Steemians,<br> \u00bfc\u00f3mo est\u00e1n?\n\nEn la publicaci\u00f3n de hoy,<br> har\u00e9 otro an\u00e1lisis t\u00e9cnico de los precios de BTC,<br> basado en la herramienta cl\u00e1sica de promedios m\u00f3viles exponenciales,<br> canales de tendencia y RSI.\n\nPara realizar este an\u00e1lisis,<br> utilic\u00e9 las vistas del gr\u00e1fico de velas de Binance durante 1 d\u00eda,<br> 1 semana y 1 mes respectivamente,<br> junto con las curvas promedio exponenciales de 7,<br> 21,<br> 50 y 200 d\u00edas,<br> canal de tendencia de precios. y RSI desde el 04\/02\/2019. Por lo tanto,<br> tengo un alcance m\u00e1s amplio para poder hacer un an\u00e1lisis m\u00e1s seguro con una serie hist\u00f3rica m\u00e1s grande. Recuerde que este an\u00e1lisis apunta a mediano y largo plazo.\n\nLos promedios m\u00f3viles exponenciales son los precios promedio para un per\u00edodo de tiempo dado,<br> y el per\u00edodo m\u00e1s reciente tiene el mayor peso en la creaci\u00f3n de curvas. Por lo tanto,<br> adem\u00e1s de proporcionar una visualizaci\u00f3n de una tendencia,<br> reaccionan m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidamente teniendo en cuenta la volatilidad de los precios del mercado a corto plazo.\n\nMedia m\u00f3vil exponencial de 7 d\u00edas (EMA 7): azul oscuro\n\nPromedio m\u00f3vil exponencial de 21 d\u00edas (EMA 21): amarillo\n\nPromedio m\u00f3vil exponencial de 50 d\u00edas (EMA 50): rojo\n\nMedia m\u00f3vil exponencial de 200 d\u00edas (EMA 200): turquesa\n\nCanal de tendencia: l\u00ednea verde\n\n** TENGA EN CUENTA: ESTA PUBLICACI\u00d3N TIENE SOLO UN OBJETIVO EDUCATIVO Y NO DEBE BASARSE EN DECISIONES DE INVERSI\u00d3N. EL AN\u00c1LISIS SE REFIERE A MI OPINI\u00d3N SOLAMENTE Y NO SOY RESPONSABLE DE NINGUNA GANANCIA O P\u00c9RDIDA DE OPERACIONES BASADAS EN EL AN\u00c1LISIS T\u00c9CNICO DE PRECIOS. ** **\n\n\u00a1Vamos all\u00e1!\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/SkGtp3zZ-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.15.png\n\nFuente da la imagen: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/n6yxVu6h-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.41.png\n\nFuente da la imagen: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/wyoNSP8z-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.58.png\n\nFuente da la imagen: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/p8PjGu5p-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.09.12.png\n\nFuente da la imagen: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nComo puede ver en los gr\u00e1ficos anteriores,<br> el promedio m\u00f3vil de 7 d\u00edas est\u00e1 por encima de los otros EMA. Esto generalmente indica una tendencia al alza en los precios. El \u00faltimo d\u00eda vimos que el canal de tendencia bajista se rompi\u00f3 y creo que estamos en el comienzo de un mercado alcista ya que hubo una reversi\u00f3n de tendencia que se verific\u00f3 el 25\/10 y luego se confirm\u00f3 con las otras dos velas diarias. Tambi\u00e9n en verde. Sin embargo,<br> el movimiento de los precios deber\u00eda seguir a este aumento gradual,<br> que es excelente para el mercado,<br> ya que inhibe grandes correcciones de precios (como se verific\u00f3 a fines de 2017 y principios de 2018).\n\nEl RSI se ha reducido a 47,<br>25,<br> lo que puede corroborar el mercado bajista temporal que mencion\u00e9 anteriormente.\n\nAunque estamos en el movimiento alcista,<br> creo que estamos en una fase de acumulaci\u00f3n y que en cualquier momento el BTC reanudar\u00e1 la ruta de precios al alza.\n\nEl siguiente (y tambi\u00e9n m\u00e1s fuerte) soporte est\u00e1 en el rango de USD $ 9,<br>266.38 (Fibonnacci 0.382). Creo que nos dirigimos al pr\u00f3ximo Fibonacci que est\u00e1 en USD $ 11,<br>250.64.\n\nCabe se\u00f1alar aqu\u00ed que estos Fibonaccis se han trazado teniendo en cuenta el m\u00e1ximo hist\u00f3rico de los precios de BTC (USD $ 19,<br>798.68) desde el 17\/12\/2017.\n\nA continuaci\u00f3n se muestran los posibles soportes y resistencias para el 26 y el 27\/03\/2020:\n\nSoportes y Resistencias:\n\nSoportes:\n\ndia 26\/03 - USD$ 6.050,<br>00\n\ndia 27\/03 - USD$ 6.160,<br>00\n\nResistencias:\n\ndia 26\/03 - USD$ 8.220,<br>00\n\ndia 27\/03 - USD$ 8.180,<br>00\t\t\t\n\n\n\u00bfTe gust\u00f3 este contenido? Ay\u00fadame a mantener la calidad y las publicaciones regulares donando cualquier cantidad en BTC,<br> ETH o Doge a una de las carteras a continuaci\u00f3n.\n\nBTC wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmT35sxC7WxXHrU7BjtfXhGNmcyxj1STWP4sKBH5q5cHcs\/btc%20wallet.JPG\n\n\nETH wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmfP4wXGaTVcUnfnhpSHf9PQjpHjCFZuHWxh27ggDLZjhY\/eth%20wallet.JPG\n\n\n\n_DOGE wallet:_\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmbVVdBtgcswH7NHmtEsqfvyt3sS3f2aaWsu3kKg616CsT\/doge%20wallet.JPG\n\n\n STEEM wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\n SBD wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\n\u00a1Juntos podemos hacer que #Steemit crezca a\u00fan m\u00e1s fuerte y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido!\n\nMensajes recientes:\n\n[TC TA for 03\/24\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-24-2020)\n\n[My Investment Portfolio on B3 (03\/22\/2020) (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/my-investment-portfolio-on-b3-03-22-2020)\n\n[TC TA for 03\/22\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-22-2020)\n\n\nENGLISH VERSION:\n\nGood evening Steemians,<br> how do you do?\n\nIn today's post,<br> I will do another technical analysis of BTC pricing,<br> based on the classic tool of exponential moving averages,<br> trend channels,<br> and RSI.\n\nTo perform this analysis,<br> I used Binance's candlestick chart views for 1 day,<br> 1 week and 1 month respectively,<br> along with the exponential average curves of 7,<br> 21,<br> 50 and 200 days,<br> price trend channel. and RSI since 04\/02\/2019. So I have a broader scope to be able to do a safer analysis with a larger historical series. Remember that this analysis aims at the medium and long term.\n\nExponential moving averages are the average prices for a given period of time,<br> with the most recent period having the greatest weight in curve making. Thus,<br> in addition to providing a visualization of a trend,<br> they react more quickly taking into account short-term market price volatility.\n\n7-day exponential moving average (EMA 7): dark blue\n\n21-day exponential moving average (EMA 21): yellow\n\n50-day exponential moving average (EMA 50): Red\n\n200-day exponential moving average (EMA 200): Turquoise\n\nTrend Channel: Green Line\n\n** PLEASE NOTE: THIS POST HAS AN EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE ANALYSIS REFERS TO MY OPINION ONLY AND I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY GAIN OR LOSS OF OPERATIONS BASED ON TECHNICAL PRICE ANALYSIS. **\n\nLet's go!\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/SkGtp3zZ-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.15.png\n\nImage Source: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/n6yxVu6h-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.41.png\n\nImage Source: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/wyoNSP8z-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.58.png\n\nImage Source: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nhttps:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/p8PjGu5p-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.09.12.png\n\nImage Source: [ (https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT)\n\nAs you can see from the graphs above,<br> the 7-day moving average is above the other EMAs. This usually indicates an upward trend in prices. On the last day we saw that the downtrend channel was broken and I believe we are at the beginning of a bull market as there was a trend reversal that was verified on 25\/10 and was later confirmed with the two other daily candles also in green. However,<br> the price movement should follow this gradual increase,<br> which is great for the market,<br> as it inhibits large price corrections (such as was verified in late 2017 and early 2018.\n\nThe RSI is down to 47.25,<br> which may corroborate the temporary bear market I mentioned above.\n\nAlthough we are in the bull movement,<br> I believe we are still in an accumulation phase and that at any moment BTC will resume the upward price path.\n\nThe next (and also strongest) support is in the range of USD $ 9,<br>266.38 (Fibonnacci 0.382). I believe we are heading to the next Fibonacci which is at USD $ 11,<br>250.64.\n\nIt should be noted here that these Fibonaccis have been plotted taking into account the historical high of BTC prices (USD $ 19,<br>798.68) since 12\/17\/2017.\n\nBelow are the likely supports and resistances for 03\/26 and 03\/27\/2020:\n\n\nSupports:\n\n03\/26 - USD$ 6,<br>050.00\n\n03\/27 - USD$ 6,<br>160.00\n\nResistances:\n\n03\/26 - USD$ 8.220,<br>00\n\n03\/27 - USD$ 8.180,<br>00\n\nDid you like this content? Please help me maintain quality and regular posts by donating any amount in BTC,<br> ETH or Doge to one of the portfolios below.\n\nBTC wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmT35sxC7WxXHrU7BjtfXhGNmcyxj1STWP4sKBH5q5cHcs\/btc%20wallet.JPG\n\n\nETH wallet\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmfP4wXGaTVcUnfnhpSHf9PQjpHjCFZuHWxh27ggDLZjhY\/eth%20wallet.JPG\n\n_DOGE wallet:_\n\nhttps:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmbVVdBtgcswH7NHmtEsqfvyt3sS3f2aaWsu3kKg616CsT\/doge%20wallet.JPG\n\nSTEEM wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\nSBD wallet: [@aotearoa (https:\/\/\/@aotearoa)\n\nTogether we can make #Steemit grow even stronger and faster!\n\nRecent Posts:\n\n[TC TA for 03\/24\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-24-2020)\n\n[My Investment Portfolio on B3 (03\/22\/2020) (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/my-investment-portfolio-on-b3-03-22-2020)\n\n[TC TA for 03\/22\/2020 (https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-22-2020)\n\n--- \n\n<center>[![ (https:\/\/\/ptgram.png) (https:\/\/<\/center> \n\n---\n\n**ptgram power:** | [fa\u00e7a parte (https:\/\/\/participe) | [grupos (https:\/\/\/grupos) | [projetos (https:\/\/\/projetos) | [membros (https:\/\/\/membros) |\n| [ptg shares (https:\/\/\/shares) | [trilha premium (https:\/\/\/assine) | [f\u00f3rum externo (https:\/\/\/forum) | [f\u00f3rum na blockchain (https:\/\/ |\n\n<sub>**siga:** | @brazine | @brazilians | @camoes | @coiotes | @dailycharity | @imagemvirtual | @msp-brasil | @ptgram-power | <br \/> <\/sub>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/2020.03.6\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"hive-100421\",<br>\"hive-174578\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"steemleo\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"spanish\",<br>\"pt\",<br>\"kr\",<br>\"bitcoin\",<br>\"steem\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"aotearoa\",<br>\"brazine\",<br>\"brazilians\",<br>\"camoes\",<br>\"coiotes\",<br>\"dailycharity\",<br>\"imagemvirtual\",<br>\"msp-brasil\",<br>\"ptgram-power\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/en\/trade\/pro\/BTC_USDT\",<br>\"\/@aotearoa\",<br>\"\/@aotearoa\",<br>\"\/trending\/steemit\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-24-2020\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/my-investment-portfolio-on-b3-03-22-2020\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/hive-167922\/@aotearoa\/btc-ta-for-03-22-2020\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/SkGtp3zZ-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.15.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/n6yxVu6h-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.41.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/wyoNSP8z-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.08.58.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/aotearoa\/p8PjGu5p-Captura20de20Tela202020-03-2520aCC80s2021.09.12.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmT35sxC7WxXHrU7BjtfXhGNmcyxj1STWP4sKBH5q5cHcs\/btc%20wallet.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmfP4wXGaTVcUnfnhpSHf9PQjpHjCFZuHWxh27ggDLZjhY\/eth%20wallet.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmbVVdBtgcswH7NHmtEsqfvyt3sS3f2aaWsu3kKg616CsT\/doge%20wallet.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/ptgram.png\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.