Transaction: 604cfa9b3c6b55a67533d78eb7262e2bcf41518d

Included in block 15,729,275 at 2017/09/23 21:37:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 604cfa9b3c6b55a67533d78eb7262e2bcf41518d
ref_block_num 630
ref_block_prefix 1,850,282,213
transaction_num 6
signatures 204bb74c1e6803599c16587e5ae6c9aa6bcba7f940ba08935b5b5524ceaf791db53d8bcc6931bc162ed8b28ab9fbfb8165a122d30df721ddfef8fa57958295b1ff
"parent_author":"kadavy",<br>"parent_permlink":"the-gift-of-pain-1506030840-9580503",<br>"author":"fitinfun",<br>"permlink":"re-kadavy-the-gift-of-pain-1506030840-9580503-20170923t213658500z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I have Rheumatoid Arthritis,<br> so pain is a part of every moment of my life. When I wake up I do a \"pain assessment\" to see where I might need to put attention for that particular day. \n\nWhile I don't consider this to be a gift,<br> in some ways it is. I have had to learn to avoid things that make my pain worse and to do things that lessen my pain. For this reason,<br> I avoid a lot of toxins that would otherwise make me sicker and get a lot of nutrition and other good inputs that I would not seek or get without this effort. So in some ways,<br> my health is actually better by being in pain.\n\n Because this is only one of my severe health issues,<br> I take it as it comes,<br> try not to complain,<br> and do the best I can depending on how bad the pain is on that day. I'm in a lot of chronic pain groups and this seems to be the best course for me after watching and learning from others.\n\nOther than that - my best strategy is daily gentle movement no matter how much I do not want to do it on that day :) \n\nWishing you a day where pain is not at the top of the list.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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