Transaction: 5fbb69943498f2f8eecacfb126c18f27f618a83b

Included in block 20,422,067 at 2018/03/05 23:15:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 5fbb69943498f2f8eecacfb126c18f27f618a83b
ref_block_num 40,347
ref_block_prefix 3,066,744,929
transaction_num 30
signatures 1f55b291c6068e973d3615f288448c00d3121ab1f268e5d8d9479df06cca0a4f135019f91b8b90e3c2c35e9faa767c4f39654b1c98772ca0affc141c652e899b93
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"ai",<br>"author":"dwarrilow2002",<br>"permlink":"does-sophia-robot-exist",<br>"title":"Does Sophia Robot Exist?",<br>"body":"Esto es en referencia [a esta publicaci\u00f3n (https:\/\/\/ai\/@dwarrilow2002\/sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival#@eljose27\/re-dwarrilow2002-sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival-20180305t023542982z)\nThis is in reference [to this post (https:\/\/\/ai\/@dwarrilow2002\/sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival#@eljose27\/re-dwarrilow2002-sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival-20180305t023542982z)\n\n\nEn respuesta a @eljose27 me dirijo a su pregunta 'esa robot esta en f\u00edsico?' Traduzco m\u00e1s o menos eso a ella existe.\nIn reply to @eljose27 I am addressing his question \" esa robot esta en f\u00edsico?\" I roughly translate that to does she exist. \n\n[Sophia Robot existe !!! (https:\/\/\/wiki\/Sophia_(robot))\n[Sophia Robot does exist!!! (https:\/\/\/wiki\/Sophia_(robot))\n\nAntes de hablar de Sophia,<br> deber\u00eda mencionar '[The Turk (https:\/\/\/wiki\/The_Turk)'.\nBefore discussing Sophia I should mention \"[The Turk (https:\/\/\/wiki\/The_Turk)\". \n\n'The Turk' era un robot de ajedrez falso construido alrededor de 1770.\n\"The Turk\" was a fake chess playing robot constructed around 1770. \n\nCuando escuch\u00e9 por primera vez,<br> describieron que un enano se esconder\u00eda en el caso debajo del 'robot'.\nWhen I first heard of it they described a dwarf would hide in the case beneath the \"robot\".\nhttps:\/\/\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/2\/27\/Kempelen_chess1.jpg\/250px-Kempelen_chess1.jpg\n\nTen esto en cuenta cuando describo a Sophia.\nKeep this in mind when I describe Sophia.\n\nSi bien puede usar cierta tecnolog\u00eda para emular las respuestas humanas,<br> ella est\u00e1 aprendiendo a ser una verdadera IA.\nWhile she can use certain technology to emulate human responses she is just learning how to be a true AI.\n\nDecir si un constructo ha alcanzado el estado AI es si pasa [el examen de Turing (http:\/\/\/).\nTo tell if a construct has reach AI status is if it passes [the Turing test (http:\/\/\/).\n\nB\u00e1sicamente,<br> en una prueba a ciegas una persona puede decir si la construcci\u00f3n es humana o no.\nBasically in a blind test can a person tell if the construct is human or not.\n\nEn algunos d\u00edas (demasiadas cervezas),<br> no apruebo el examen de Turing.\nOn some days (too many cervezas),<br> I do not pass the Turing test.\n\nSophia est\u00e1 en su infancia. Ella solo est\u00e1 desarrollando sus habilidades de comunicaci\u00f3n rudimentarias.\nSophia is in her infancy. She is just developing her rudimentary communication abilities. \n\nMientras que la construcci\u00f3n que vemos en los videos puede que nunca llegue completamente al estado AI (siguen agregando brazos y piernas,<br> etc.)...\nWhile the construct we see in the videos may never fully reach AI state (they keep adding arms and legs etc)...\n\nla informaci\u00f3n que aprende ahora representar\u00e1 los cimientos de su inteligencia futura.\nthe information she learns now will represent the foundations of her future intelligence.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"ai\",<br>\"robot\",<br>\"android\",<br>\"sophia\",<br>\"turing\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"eljose27\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/2\/27\/Kempelen_chess1.jpg\/250px-Kempelen_chess1.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/ai\/@dwarrilow2002\/sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival#@eljose27\/re-dwarrilow2002-sophia-robot-sings-at-clockenflap-festival-20180305t023542982z\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/Sophia_(robot)\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/The_Turk\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.