Transaction: 5b85d5730eaa33d8fd4e6338b00ee390a9ba9689

Included in block 14,672,362 at 2017/08/18 04:27:33 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 5b85d5730eaa33d8fd4e6338b00ee390a9ba9689
ref_block_num 57,830
ref_block_prefix 2,030,568,064
transaction_num 8
signatures 1f3489e412ee5d8612aa04526da6b85c4add3d642cdce9cd68b988b4e316f6b4b2789ebda804cfcfba5b5c12410496c91394977672f248b09a2597f75c39f06a46
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"food",<br>"author":"chefsteve",<br>"permlink":"gougere-sandwiches",<br>"title":"Goug\u00e8re Sandwiches",<br>"body":"https:\/\/\/tu4aab0gz\/IMG_9778.jpg\n\nYou know that you are in for a treat when you arrive at a dinner party and you smell the unmistakable smell of gruyere cheese in the air. With a glass of wine in one hand,<br> you reach for a still warm goug\u00e8re. You pop it into your mouth and the crisp exterior collapses into the soft cheesy interior. The pungent taste of gruyere fills your mouth,<br> accented by freshly ground black pepper. A feeling of bliss overtakes you. Now,<br> the only thing to do is to cleanse your mouth with your wine and repeat the process again! \n\nI feel that the time between parties is too long to wait for another goug\u00e8re experience. So,<br> what I do is I make goug\u00e8re sandwiches. The source of the recipe that I use is from Alain Ducasse and the recipe was published in Food and Wine magazine. You can get the recipe by clicking [here. (http:\/\/\/recipes\/alain-ducasses-gougeres) While the recipe is perfect and works every time I have discovered a few tips to get even better results. \n\nHere are my tips when using this recipe:\n1. Instead of using just gruyere cheese I use a blend of gruyere and parmesan cheese. I noticed that with just gruyere it can be a little one dimensional. The addition of parmesan cheese makes the taste more complex. You can also add any other cheese that you like. \n2. In step three of the recipe Chef Ducasse recommends that you use a pastry bag to pipe out the goug\u00e8res. I find that using an ice-cream scooper is a lot easier,<br> faster and requires less cleanup. win-win-win. \n3. I put an empty sheet pan on the bottom shelf of the oven while it pre-heats. After loading the goug\u00e8res into the middle and upper shelves of the oven,<br> I pour some water onto the heated pan on the bottom shelf and quickly close the door. From what I understand by adding some humidity to the oven it keeps the exterior of the goug\u00e8re soft for a little longer and this additional time enables the goug\u00e8re to fully expand into a perfect sphere. \n4. For sandwich sized goug\u00e8res use a larger ice-cream scooper and bake them for around 30 minutes. \n\nhttps:\/\/\/wmxhuc0tf\/IMG_9779.jpg\n\nFill your sandwich how you like. I use ham,<br> tomato,<br> lettuce and mustard. \n\nIf you have any questions about this recipe please ask. \nThanks for stopping by. Steve",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"food\",<br>\"cooking\",<br>\"recipes\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"blog\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/tu4aab0gz\/IMG_9778.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wmxhuc0tf\/IMG_9779.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http:\/\/\/recipes\/alain-ducasses-gougeres\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.