Transaction: 53881fd52d04924805eb199964e2d2f87f08bdde

Included in block 19,833,461 at 2018/02/13 12:23:57 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 53881fd52d04924805eb199964e2d2f87f08bdde
ref_block_num 41,565
ref_block_prefix 797,551,550
transaction_num 21
signatures 2007e6cc59c8adaf6c3de510d8fcf9ac457db9bd3b707fc1e8b5e93160a448d25c4825f1f8014244a3e82ac0ecf5a1870e16136bce7cebd25e5e1756aa4b2e5b62
"parent_author":"pipiczech",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-playfulfoodie-ufhw2-good-morning-steemit-20180213t114818964z",<br>"author":"playfulfoodie",<br>"permlink":"re-pipiczech-re-playfulfoodie-ufhw2-good-morning-steemit-20180213t122354303z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Our cabin isn't in the woods,<br> it's on my boyfriend's dad's property and catches a lot more wind here ;-)\n\nIt's the flu season and many people are sick here,<br> so I guess it was coming. For now,<br> we mostly had the cold.\n\nYeah,<br> I never really wanted to get my drivers licence at all. I was fine with my bike and public transport. But then,<br> my job turned south and I wanted a way out. Many jobs require you to have your drivers licence,<br> atleast if you want enough chances in IT,<br> that's what you should get. So I got my licence for that and for a few months,<br> it was handy to drive to my boyfriend when we lived apart. We moved in together really fast though,<br> so now,<br> I hardly ever need to drive. The reason I still do from time to time is to make sure I don't get too nervous if there's ever a moment where I don't have a choice. It's still pretty scary for me.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.