Transaction: 534c3482d698345249bc7e9602b13971f7b7a74c

Included in block 46,843,306 at 2020/09/13 20:14:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 534c3482d698345249bc7e9602b13971f7b7a74c
ref_block_num 50,597
ref_block_prefix 1,518,354,316
transaction_num 6
signatures 1f61595dcbef23c46b3a2981bc55e98ecca0dfa54360326696f5b577d57873d8123474c76d7570676a76586a201c05a18a14bd486643e2c89c8d85ce3dd4c3a6dd
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"bitcoindailynews",<br>"author":"starwarz",<br>"permlink":"all-bart-stations-closed-until-further-notice-due-to-systemwide-computer-problem---sfgate",<br>"title":"All BART stations 'closed until further notice' due to systemwide computer problem - SFGate",<br>"body":"## All BART stations 'closed until further notice' due to systemwide computer problem - SFGate\n\n<center>https:\/\/\/photos\/01\/12\/47\/12\/19559082\/3\/rawImage.jpg<\/center>\n\n<center>**Click here to read source article from [SFGate (https:\/\/\/public-transportation\/article\/All-BART-stations-closed-until-further-notice-15563510.php)**<\/center>\n\n### Summary\nBART commuters will need to seek an alternative method of transportation today. \n All trains were delayed by a systemwide computer issue early Sunday morning,<br> failing to operate before stations opened at 8 a.m.,<br> according to a statement shared by the agency o\u2026\n\n### My Thoughts\nThis one had such a catchy headline that I just had to share it.\n\n### Quote of the Day\n>Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don\u2019t expect it from cheap people.\n\n-Warren Buffet\n\n### Thank you for Reading!\n\n This has been your crypto news update. Thank you so much for reading. I do my best to bring Steem the most up to date news. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts and comments below.\n\n---\n\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"image\": [\"https:\/\/\/photos\/01\/12\/47\/12\/19559082\/3\/rawImage.jpg\" ,<br> \"tags\": [\"bitcoindailynews\" "
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