Transaction: 517706f9dcc0aa55e2cff0113f4627621e660b74

Included in block 21,586,378 at 2018/04/15 10:43:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 517706f9dcc0aa55e2cff0113f4627621e660b74
ref_block_num 25,012
ref_block_prefix 288,099,657
transaction_num 3
signatures 1f0ac91a1516c5b5ae97b754476ff036ae0bfd068b9ac9e6aa7b5f15b2987ffc8559d9a19c26d316a4be55803dedb1a09e66ed7c458334d36c24bba243b1086d20
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"article",<br>"author":"thereliye",<br>"permlink":"the-story-of-abdul-wahhab-al-azzam-from-egypt-89a33bb40e2ee",<br>"title":"The story of Abdul Wahhab Al-Azzam From Egypt",<br>"body":"![image (https:\/\/\/6hous4nsaz.jpg)\n\nEgyptian writer and writer who is also a diplomat. Named Complete Abdul Wahhab ibn Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Salim ibn Azzam. He was born in Syaubak Barat on Wednesday,<br> 28 Muharram 1312 H \/ 1 August 1894 AD After completing his elementary education in Al Azhar,<br> the son of a prominent figure in Gizah entered the Madrasah Al-Qadha 'Al-Syar'i School of Religious Religion and succeeded he completed in 1339 H \/ 1920 AD,<br> then entered the University of Egypt (now Cairo University).\n\nA league of years later,<br> after finishing high school,<br> young Abdul Wahhab was sent to London to become a priest for Egyptian students studying in Britain. In addition,<br> he also deepens Persian,<br> Aramaic and Turkish languages \u200b\u200bat Oriental Languages \u200b\u200bSchool. The Master of Arts (MA) degree was achieved in 1347 AH \/ 1928 CE,<br> with a thesis on \"Sufism according to Fariduddin Al-'Aththar.\" Four years later he earned his Ph.D. and alma mater,<br> University of Egypt,<br> with a Persian,<br> Shah Namah.\n\nUpon his return to Egypt,<br> Abdul Wahhab Al-Azzam pursued a career in education by becoming a faculty member of the Religious Judges School. He was appointed to the teaching staff of Eastern languages \u200b\u200bat his alma mater. Even in 1365 H \/ 1945 AD,<br> he was trusted as the Vice Dean of the faculty of literature. A year later he was involved in a prestigious scientific account in Egypt,<br> the Arabic Academy. Although busy with his activities as a teacher,<br> Abdul Wahhab Al-Azzam still take the time to write. Through the fruit of his hand was born a number of works including Madkhal Al-Syahnamah Al-arabiyyah Ii Al-Bandari,<br> Dzikr Abi Al-Thayyib Ba'd AIf 'Am,<br> Muhammad Iqbal,<br> Al-Sompid rid,<br> Diwan Al-Mu tanabbi,<br> and Majalis Al- Sulthan Al-Gh\u00fbri.\n\nIn 1374 AH \/ 1954 AD,<br> Abdul Wahhab Al-Azzam received state duty as Egyptian Ambassador to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Abdul Wahhab Al-Azzam,<br> also known as a translator of Pakistani thinkers Mohammad Iqbal,<br> died in Riyadh,<br> Saudi Arabia on Monday 9 Rajab 1378 H \/ 19 January 1959.\n\n<hr><hr>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/6hous4nsaz.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"article\",<br>\"artzone\",<br>\"hr1\",<br>\"steem\",<br>\"esteem\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
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