Transaction: 4cc7aa912fbfeb9a57f22c71449f46439cab92a0

Included in block 26,890,381 at 2018/10/17 15:33:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 4cc7aa912fbfeb9a57f22c71449f46439cab92a0
ref_block_num 20,601
ref_block_prefix 3,446,683,319
transaction_num 41
signatures 206879837e3065d23f146a3277aa5c8cf5c3dc0df2f4f1ae6b9e9a6eaecceb1fdc02b14abcf65d9b164adc5db97346c3a578eccd243f49c7bfbc493d5e3461660c
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemit",<br>"author":"broken.akay",<br>"permlink":"my-steem-dreamcar-challange",<br>"title":"My Steem DreamCar Challenge!!",<br>"body":"<b>Smart Electric Drive<\/b>\n![SmartBuiten.png (https:\/\/\/DQmRmknv646hZKCBWp6eZtnx6kbzqS4xhW3ArLa3614tW4o\/SmartBuiten.png)\n\n- What is my challenge you ask. Well,<br> that is to buy this car with only Steem and SBD,<br> and not using any fiat currency. This car is around 25.000 Euro,<br> that equals 29.491,<br>879 Steem in the time I'm writing this. I only have 7+ SBD that equals 7 Steem,<br> so I have a long way to go.\n\n- Why am I doing this,<br> even if it sounds impossible. Well,<br> I don't like fiat money,<br> and at the same time,<br> I trust Steemit in its growth. So by doing this,<br> I'm proving that is can be done,<br> and that Steemit is a great platform to be on.\n\n- I will be documenting\/posting from time to time about this challenge so I can keep the ones who are interested updated. And when I get the car,<br> I will take many pictures of it,<br> and surely show it off.\n\n----\n\n<i>This car is actually a very small car,<br> and a two seater. I like very small cars,<br> but on top of that,<br> this car is also electric,<br> and I'm trying to move my life to fully electric so this car will fit right in. And if you have some opinions about this car,<br> I would love to hear it in the comments.<\/i>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemit\",<br>\"dreamcar\",<br>\"challange\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmRmknv646hZKCBWp6eZtnx6kbzqS4xhW3ArLa3614tW4o\/SmartBuiten.png\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.