Transaction: 4b97cf66fc16e0ba28ff599e65706fb64e83b615

Included in block 22,409,722 at 2018/05/14 01:30:33 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 4b97cf66fc16e0ba28ff599e65706fb64e83b615
ref_block_num 61,922
ref_block_prefix 3,779,284,492
transaction_num 29
signatures 203b53061da7db9fd3be9ff362cb3cb1f1ef9b041d68f62db74fc627cdc111fe2943d7fc2ccce26319aed9d305ec8e6488a49770a96875f4a4b9531322f7996cca
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"urban-sere",<br>"author":"drseptic",<br>"permlink":"when-considering-where-to-hide-a-counter-custody-kit",<br>"title":"When considering where to hide a counter custody\u00a0kit\u2026",<br>"body":"When you are considering where on your person to hide your counter custody kit,<br> you need to remember that there must be a balance between ***concealment*** and ***accessibility***. If it is inaccessible,<br> then it doesn\u2019t matter how well concealed it is. You kit is useless if you can\u2019t access it. It is also not enough for it to be hidden from sight. You need to consider other forms of detection,<br> such as touch (as in frisk searches),<br> and magnetic detection. Regardless of where you hide your kit,<br> it needs to ***physically secure***. If it can\u2019t be retained under duress then it wont work in a kidnapping. To see if your kit is secure,<br> wear it to a martial arts training session. For best results,<br> do BJJ or MMA. If it doesn\u2019t fall out during the training session,<br> then it shouldn\u2019t fall out in an actual kidnapping.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"urban-sere\",<br>\"counter-custody\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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