Transaction: 4b6ffb2729c2971fd1fcf822499db7b71b57c3f7

Included in block 5,066,677 at 2016/09/18 03:48:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 4b6ffb2729c2971fd1fcf822499db7b71b57c3f7
ref_block_num 20,354
ref_block_prefix 22,735,300
transaction_num 3
signatures 1f40d067e8ff00601026e16c099419b648c7797857b1b48480c0126ed5112af05e4b35d53dfddce48e4be2db230679e634031ce600c707291b8e1eac8762fd1388
"parent_author":"michaelstobiersk",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-jokerpravis-proper-enabling-20160918t033914844z",<br>"author":"jokerpravis",<br>"permlink":"re-michaelstobiersk-re-jokerpravis-proper-enabling-20160918t034803321z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Yup agreed,<br> you obviously have at least SOME experience with its effects on people. It's a lifelong struggle I think but also depending on how we deal with it. I think the brain will always have a weakness but if recovery is slow,<br> stable,<br> and steady enough I think that the mind can get strong again. One a lifestyle is built away from the addiction culture I think \"relapsing\" becomes a worry of the past (other than keeping on developing the good direction). \n\nIt's CERTAINLY complex thought,<br> and to me that means it requires social cooperation of multiple people,<br> groups,<br> and institutions and also progress from many different angles.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"addiction\" "
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