Transaction: 4b52f2dc8034226970618f7b3711b6955d26cd77

Included in block 12,898,050 at 2017/06/17 11:09:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 4b52f2dc8034226970618f7b3711b6955d26cd77
ref_block_num 52,989
ref_block_prefix 406,136,740
transaction_num 3
signatures 2056522ee93679995aaaf18928edfe1336dec51d915d43d1fca1f304ae6783cb544c02b37b5fb2149ff25bc21ada56701cb63b5b6f8eb8179ff64c769fbfa173ea
"parent_author":"nicholasj",<br>"parent_permlink":"mixing-flocks-2017615t64345565z",<br>"author":"bchick",<br>"permlink":"re-nicholasj-mixing-flocks-2017615t64345565z-20170617t110920201z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Our new chicks are about 1 month old now and soon will join the other chicken who is the only one left now as two stray hunting dogs came up here and shook and broke the necks of the other 2.\nLee has had a strange life the last few months,<br> being the ONLY chicken. She follows us around like a dog and often spends time right at the doorstep,<br> keeping safe. \nI hope to keep the new chicks locked in the hen house for a few days while Lee will be free outside to sleep on her preferred ledge at the back of the house.\nThen I will let the chicks out to the short run so they can meet each other but still be protected. We'll see how this goes...",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"chickens\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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