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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"lifeverse",<br>"author":"papa-pepper",<br>"permlink":"my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread",<br>"title":"MY FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE - A THREAD",<br>"body":"![gg.jpg (https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/DQmcWw7781n8Q8itgTDsqSRc8To65n7WYWcqwFvHCHxU3bB\/gg.jpg)\n\n## <center>Thanks for the nomination @paradise-found!<\/center>\n\n------\nI've been meaning to do this one for a while now,<br> but never got around to it until today. It was actually eleven long days ago that @paradise-found [nominated me to participate in this one. (https:\/\/steemit.com\/lifeverse\/@paradise-found\/my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread) Thanks for being patient!\n\n\nhttp:\/\/i.imgur.com\/uVNBbyL.jpg\n## <center>MY FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE<\/center>\n##\n\nSeriously,<br> asking someone for their favorite Bible verse in my opinion is like looking our over a vast field of marvelous flowers and asking someone which one they like best. With so many powerful,<br> true,<br> and inspiring verses to choose from,<br> where does one even begin? \n\nOver my walk with the Lord these past eleven years,<br> a lot of things in my life have changed,<br> and changed again. Certain verses really stick out and mean a lot at various times,<br> and even the ones that don't can still be incredibly applicable. At the moment though,<br> my life is on a certain path. I'm trying to shed a lot of the mental strongholds that society and culture saturate us with. I'm trying to avoid whatever presuppositions that I can and just look at things from God's point of view. This transitional state that I'm in has lasted for years already,<br> and we've got a ways to go. It has required us to give up a lot,<br> but we've gained so much more. In this current journey,<br> the following verse (*half really*) has meant a lot to me.\n\n-------\n# <center>\"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,<br> that he might destroy the works of the devil.\" (1 John 3:8b)<\/center>\n##\n------\n\nThis is applicable on so many levels,<br> and has given me great hope as we persevere and press on. A lot of my life seems to be theory sometimes,<br> but I'm going to trust what God says and stick with that!\n\nhttp:\/\/i.imgur.com\/uVNBbyL.jpg\n## <center>NOMINATIONS<\/center>\n##\nI'm not really one for nominating others,<br> so I'll open this can of worms and offer it up to everyone! If anyone out there has not participated in this thread yet and would like to share your favorite verse,<br> just go for it! If anyone tries to give you any grief or asks who nominated you,<br> just tell them that @papa-pepper did!\n\n-----\n### [The original post from (https:\/\/steemit.com\/lifeverse\/@csalupado\/my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread) @csalupado [can be found by clicking here (https:\/\/steemit.com\/lifeverse\/@csalupado\/my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread),<br> but the \"rules\" seem simple. \n##\n* **Nominate a friend or just simply post yours once you have read this post!**\n\n* **Insert a photo or write your favorite bible verse and share to us the reason behind it!**\n\n* **@csalupado would love to read your favorite verse so please mention @csalupado in your comment section or use #lifeverse when posting.**\n\nhttp:\/\/i.imgur.com\/uVNBbyL.jpg\n\n\n#### <center>Until next time\u2026<\/center>\n## <center>Don\u2019t waste your time online,<br> *invest* it with steemit.com<\/center>\n\nhttps:\/\/steemitimages.com\/0x0\/http:\/\/gifmaker.me\/files\/download\/home\/20170610\/12\/5DTW6RM44sGCW1GzoIqDK7\/output_J9du6L.gif\n\n-------------------\nhttps:\/\/steemitimages.com\/0x0\/https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/DQmWJLBUEQKrsCFYNSpzTSiRPbR8AT45ZpwbjgCX5ucQaDN\/image.png\n### <center>[TO TRANSLATE POSTS VIA OPERATION TRANSLATION CLICK HERE (https:\/\/steemit.com\/translation\/@papa-pepper\/operation-translation-now-under-construction-what-it-is-and-how-you-can-help)<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"lifeverse\",<br>\"spirituality\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"religion\",<br>\"steemchurch\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"paradise-found\",<br>\"papa-pepper\",<br>\"csalupado\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/DQmcWw7781n8Q8itgTDsqSRc8To65n7WYWcqwFvHCHxU3bB\/gg.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/uVNBbyL.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/0x0\/http:\/\/gifmaker.me\/files\/download\/home\/20170610\/12\/5DTW6RM44sGCW1GzoIqDK7\/output_J9du6L.gif\",<br>\"https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/0x0\/https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/DQmWJLBUEQKrsCFYNSpzTSiRPbR8AT45ZpwbjgCX5ucQaDN\/image.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/lifeverse\/@paradise-found\/my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread\",<br>\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/lifeverse\/@csalupado\/my-favorite-bible-verse-a-thread\",<br>\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/translation\/@papa-pepper\/operation-translation-now-under-construction-what-it-is-and-how-you-can-help\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" " |