Transaction: 458e7f52a94c72ec6dd9aed56d10a4b88ddee5df

Included in block 14,672,376 at 2017/08/18 04:28:15 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 458e7f52a94c72ec6dd9aed56d10a4b88ddee5df
ref_block_num 57,844
ref_block_prefix 261,071,568
transaction_num 17
signatures 1f0227d3e88b7583f88d28ebee692fa91924e988dae1bf7d14d9571381e1256b020ede3a057b8381eb3d3deedc67a4d9b66875a20bac6dfecb71ddf0c40664492b
"parent_author":"jeffberwick",<br>"parent_permlink":"what-s-the-point-considering-giving-everything-up",<br>"author":"flurin",<br>"permlink":"re-jeffberwick-what-s-the-point-considering-giving-everything-up-20170818t042813744z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Hi Jeff\nI have been through many of those moments and so often wanted to just go. Go life in the woods,<br> go hide,<br> sometimes just vaporize and not feel anything anymore. Basically I just wanted soooo often to just go home. But I forgot where it was. \n\nI highly recommend to listen to Matt Kahn. He has good videos on youtube. \n\nI send you all the strength. Even if words might make you more upset,<br> because I know advice sometimes just sucks,<br> I want to tell you that that's just perfect. Allow the part of you,<br> that wants to totally give up,<br> express itself fully. Let it give up completely by allowing yourself to feel it. I kind of don't feel like I find the right words. I just really send you a hug. \n\nI feel with you,<br> brother.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"spirituality\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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