Transaction: 40f9437333488db54d30a37f35483089195f8f20

Included in block 20,699,591 at 2018/03/15 14:53:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 40f9437333488db54d30a37f35483089195f8f20
ref_block_num 55,730
ref_block_prefix 1,105,612,407
transaction_num 55
signatures 1f4adcdd8cbf9734ee1482ab374eb1ecc080df17ae5df5455e62698e8e270409396784a22e520c44b4c26b8370fd074e0728f5078d5ae72c69d58be2c9dbeb49ec
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"cryptocurrency",<br>"author":"arorapuneet",<br>"permlink":"upcoming-events-cryptocurrency-news",<br>"title":"Upcoming events cryptocurrency news",<br>"body":"Komodo (KMD)\n- Date: 18 March 2018\n- 2018 Notary Node Election\nThe 2018 Komodo Notary Node Elections are rapidly approaching and we here at Komodo are pleased to be holding our second annual election.\n\nIOStoken (IOST)\n- Date: 31 December 2019\n- DApps Launch\nLaunching dApps to the IOS network.\n\nMonaco (MCO),<br> Stellar (XLM)\n- Date: 13 March 2018\n- Meetup Singapore\nMeetup with Stellar Organization in Singapore on Tuesday 13 March,<br> in which Bobby Bao (Co-founder @Monaco) will speak.\n\nTriggers (TRIG)\n- Date: 14 May 2018\n- TrigX Testnet Demo\nTestnet demo will be ready to preview at consensus May 14-16\n\nSONM (SNM)\n- Date: 10 March 2018\n- Cloudfest\nSONM will be speaking at Cloudfest in Rust,<br> Germany March 10-16,<br> 2018. Come by and see them at their booth!\n\nWaves (WAVES)\n- Date: 21 March 2018\n- Hong Kong Meetup\n\"The event is free,<br> but you need to fill out this form if you want to \nparticipate: https:\/\/\/forms\/aJ1VxbT50n0JTvKc2\"",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"cryptocurrency\",<br>\"bitcoin\",<br>\"news\",<br>\"money\",<br>\"life\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"monaco\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/forms\/aJ1VxbT50n0JTvKc2\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.