Transaction: 4024bd256ecdb101559e3b61dc4991ca3cb009ec

Included in block 12,898,070 at 2017/06/17 11:10:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 4024bd256ecdb101559e3b61dc4991ca3cb009ec
ref_block_num 53,010
ref_block_prefix 2,655,910,580
transaction_num 11
signatures 207005d4bf80bf1a66b3987c124a8ac3213647f61863a6c21a2870d34d7463d866130f7100323aeff0c0f5cefe6d396f93913cdd8efc5144bd1cef584f9a35431e
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"history",<br>"author":"jimmco",<br>"permlink":"baal-archs-spirit-of-jezebel-and-who-is-bowing-before-baal-these-days",<br>"title":"Baal archs,<br> spirit of Jezebel and who is bowing before Baal these days",<br>"body":"Through recent years,<br> I noticed several occasions where certain people were raising Baal temple replicas,<br> so called Baal arches. Who are the people raising these fragments of Baal temple and why they are doing that? \n\n## Who are the worshipers of Baal\nWhen we need to know something about Baal and Ball worship we need to go to the Bible and especially to the Old Testament,<br> resp. Torah. We will find that Baal was pagan god whose name meaning was \"lord\". Baal worshipers did lot of magic rituals and sacrifices and during time of crisis they even sacrificed their children,<br> performed ritual sex and did many other evil things. This was strictly against God's will. There are many verses,<br> one of them is this one:\n\n> And they forsook the LORD,<br> the God of their fathers,<br> who had brought them out of the land of Egypt,<br> and followed other gods from among the gods of the peoples who were around them,<br> and bowed themselves down to them; thus they provoked the LORD to anger. So they forsook the LORD and served Baal and the Ashtaroth.\n> -- Judges 2:12-13\n\nWhen people lost God's way by some trick or by just simple disobedience,<br> rebellion or pride,<br> they often turned to false worship. This happened many times and it always had tragic consequences for Israeli people. During king Ahab and queen Jezebel times were so bad that even prophet Elijah is complaining to God after slaughter of all God's prophets by Baal worshiper Jezebel and King Ahab but the Lord calms down Elijah. \n\n> Then Elijah said to them,<br> \"I am the only one of the LORD's prophets left,<br> but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.\n> 1 King 18:22\n\nLater on,<br> the Lord is encouraging Elijah: \n\n> Yet I have kept for myself seven thousand in Israel,<br> all the knees which have not bowed to Baal,<br> and every mouth which has not kissed him.\"\n\n> -- 1 King 19:18\n\n## What it is about? \nIn history,<br> there were people who tempted others to worship Baal by various tricky ways. And when Israeli people started to worship Baal instead of the LORD and obeying various man made laws instead of God's laws,<br> they provoked the LORD and lost his protection. Then they were sooner or later devastated by enemy and cried back to LORD the God. These deceivers who spread a worship to false god were usually very influential people,<br> civil or religious,<br> like king Balak,<br> queen Jezebel and some others. These people always had many paid servants and unpaid followers. These deceivers are alive in these days as well and they are often part of various NWO neo-liberals groups. They control many other people who might not even be aware they serve Baal. Their agenda is wide but certain and certain symbolic activity can be also seen in rising replicas of Baals arches on various places. \n\nIn Syria,<br> there was one of the oldest site of Baal worshipers that suffered last round of devastation in 2015 by ISIL. \n\n## Temple of Baal in Palmyra,<br> Syria \n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmbYPsysuAmGA2vzo2kfgK2vzpWtoWdccZWGjoXWkk4ANm\/image.png)\n\nVery soon after that,<br> during first half of 2016,<br> which was particularly dark time for western world from God's law perspective,<br> these people raised Baal temple arches on two major metropolitan cities. \n\n## The Temple of Baal (Bel) in New York\n\nReplica of Temple of Baal was installed in Times Square in New York on March 22 2016.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmSeEjG7J62NHYfaLYGWvy31kU5GrJshsyn8zqwdp6iMzG\/image.png)\n\n## The Temple of Baal (Bel) in London\nOther the replica of Temple of Baal was installed in Trafalgar Square in London on April 19 2016.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmV2uw7QWGKExKFfLNKxNDRZ5brFCym3rJkd4jzGgeurFL\/image.png)\n\nFirst half of 2016 and also during many previous years,<br> many things causing anger of the Lord were happening and certain group of people knowing it were even boosting it by additional activities. Thanks to God also many Christians were awaken during that times and the worst was avoided and additional time given in 2017. \n\n## Reference\n* https:\/\/\/\n* https:\/\/\/wiki\/Temple_of_Bel\n* https:\/\/\/wiki\/Baal\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmX2Y1ederxjkrjnHsoLYKvTh5QJxdgZFic1m3FECFihbi\/image.png)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"christianity\",<br>\"history\",<br>\"bible\",<br>\"nwo\",<br>\"baal\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmbYPsysuAmGA2vzo2kfgK2vzpWtoWdccZWGjoXWkk4ANm\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmSeEjG7J62NHYfaLYGWvy31kU5GrJshsyn8zqwdp6iMzG\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmV2uw7QWGKExKFfLNKxNDRZ5brFCym3rJkd4jzGgeurFL\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmX2Y1ederxjkrjnHsoLYKvTh5QJxdgZFic1m3FECFihbi\/image.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/Temple_of_Bel\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/Baal\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.