Transaction: 3f85ee56195e26c1e8a2b33687fbb06f391ccf58

Included in block 15,729,292 at 2017/09/23 21:37:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 3f85ee56195e26c1e8a2b33687fbb06f391ccf58
ref_block_num 647
ref_block_prefix 4,218,724,226
transaction_num 8
signatures 2026399cb96063852593be203c336e036ff6cfdf557169f71d3b20a84862d267554f6c6e8775131feceedc729642499abbde6ee45df213d168da37a0362fdece04
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemit",<br>"author":"greatvideos",<br>"permlink":"steemit-com-default-risk-explained-risk-of-holding-steem-and-sbd-2017923t223746540z",<br>"title":" Default Risk explained,<br>,<br> Risk of Holding Steem and Sbd",<br>"body":"I was reading more about and found this \nI tough you might want to know too\n ![image (https:\/\/\/fhb12dswu8.jpg)\nIf you ask me it's simply impossible to kill Steem \nAnyway have a read \nhttps:\/\/\/getinvolved\/steem-backed-dollars\/\n( Default Risk\nNo system is perfectly secure against default. \nA hyper-inflationary collapse of the STEEM access token could create a situation where all SBD must be converted to STEEM at a value less than $1.00. \n\nThe STEEM network minimizes the likelihood of this happening by economically incentivising 90% of all STEEM to be committed for at least a year. \n\nThis means the debt-to-equity ratio of the STEEM network is normally under 10%. Even a 50% fall in the value of STEEM would only result in a 20% debt-to-equity ratio which is still conservative by financial industry standards.\n\n The Steem network automatically increases incentives for long-term investment in STEEM as the debt to equity ratio increases.\n\nSteem is a decentralized network following the rules of a blockchain. \nSteemit,<br> Inc does not and cannot gaurantee the value of SBD or STEEM.\n If you choose to hold these assets you do so at your own risk. \nIt is possible for them to lose any and all value they might have.) \n.... \n\n\ is doing too well to just simply die out",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/getinvolved\/steem-backed-dollars\/\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/fhb12dswu8.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"steemit\",<br>\"whitepaper\",<br>\"steem\",<br>\"sbd\",<br>\"defaultrisk\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.4.6\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"esteemapp",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.