Transaction: 3e60ec225269b5f1c765c24ec9aa201353a256da

Included in block 22,247,981 at 2018/05/08 10:42:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 3e60ec225269b5f1c765c24ec9aa201353a256da
ref_block_num 31,254
ref_block_prefix 350,358,220
transaction_num 72
signatures 204cbb47f314840a3f9caa42299c771e192d726eb9c5ed9236080a575c74be2068794c55ce3f93ac3c77d8c423a21aa7f725f495738b5904e33e1028e932c9c5d9
"parent_author":"viraldrome",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-viraldrome-re-andrew-golyanov-re-viraldrome-bitcoin-hating-new-york-a-g-resigns-over-assault-allegations-20180508t103005585z",<br>"author":"andrew-golyanov",<br>"permlink":"re-viraldrome-re-viraldrome-re-andrew-golyanov-re-viraldrome-bitcoin-hating-new-york-a-g-resigns-over-assault-allegations-20180508t104348142z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Ok,<br> so basically you are saying that if I do the following things: \n\n1) follow you\n2) comment on your posts\n\nthen \n\nyou will: \n\n1) upvote my comments\n2) since you have a lot of SP,<br> the upvote will result in the financial gratification of 0.14USD per my comment,<br> right? \n\nBecause I have augmented my opening comment by saying that I am not after financial gratificatuion. I basically need to write out of myself a number of articles in the evening on crypto,<br> in the section \"crypto\" on Steemit,<br> because I don't want to create the website-based blog,<br> I don't want to write big pieces on \"what's crypto\" and similar stuff. I just need to practice writing. I don't need any financial gratification,<br> because nobody's going to give me any good financial gratification for writing comments - that's an easy one. \n\nCan you help me rev up my blogging career here,<br> maybe? Maybe,<br> you've got some ideas on \"reverse-joining\" or whatever?)))\n\nAlso,<br> I am not sure that I need to get subcribers,<br> because I will doing this stunt not to get subscribers,<br> but to improve on my writing skills.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"news\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.