Transaction: 3d57518a7e2715e2d812f0b76615af81de920f79

Included in block 7,124,736 at 2016/11/28 17:09:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 3d57518a7e2715e2d812f0b76615af81de920f79
ref_block_num 46,353
ref_block_prefix 3,049,863,072
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f6e36ceee4cd20ebb1fc6a8c1b2d6acb12ba6fc232d2a1229144f7a7bfac3a8c130b283fc027a1bed339bcd7b90cd576b7f6debb8fbfa901290172b8850394d11
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"writing",<br>"author":"dragosroua",<br>"permlink":"5ny87n-last-week-in-review-what-i-write-about-in-steemit",<br>"title":"Last Week In Review - What I Write About In Steemit",<br>"body":"![writing (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/11\/typewriter-801921_1280.jpg)\nDue to some unexpected spike of activity in other projects,<br> my Steemit presence was rather scarce last week. Nevertheless,<br> I still ended up with 4 articles,<br> and even if the number of my articles was low,<br> their impact was quite significant. Let's take them one at a time.\n\n# TIL\n\n* [TIL That NASA Em Drive Engine Does In Fact Works,<br> We Can Go To The Moon in 4 Hours and To Mars In 70 Days (https:\/\/\/til\/@dragosroua\/til-that-nasa-em-drive-engine-does-in-fact-works-we-can-go-to-moon-in-4-hours-and-to-mars-in-70-days) - well,<br> the article describes exactly what the titles defines - an engine that could potentially shorten dramatically the time needed to reach to other celestial bodies. I personally think this is a huge advancement - if proved to be really true - and it will have very deep implications on our not-so-distant future. What made me rally happy was the accuracy and knowledge of the comments,<br> many of the commenters were looking like they know what they're talking about. In this specific context,<br> this is really impressive :)\n\n# Steem & Witnesses Related Posts\n\n* [Goliath - A Potential Black Swan Event On Or Around Hardfork 16 (https:\/\/\/steemit\/@dragosroua\/goliath-a-potential-black-swan-event-on-or-around-hardfork-16) - this post ignited quite a few discussions (some of them in Github) and I have to admit that it was a very interesting learning experience. I now understood much better some of the ins and outs of Steemit,<br> and those new understandings made me appreciate it even more. To make a long story short,<br> this potential event can be mitigated at the \"political\" level,<br> meaning witnesses can prevent this form happening,<br> if they will be conscious about their ```account_registration_fee``` setting.\n* [Introducing Steem Witness Toolbox (https:\/\/\/witness-category\/@dragosroua\/witness-update-dragosroua-introducing-steem-witness-toolbox) - which brings me to the next article,<br> which is just a continuation of the last one. In this article I announce the launching of a helper script for witnesses,<br> allowing them to update some of the variables needed for the network in an easier way. The script is just an upgrade of the excellent ```steemfeed-js``` script,<br> written by @someguy123.\n\n# Life & Philosophy\n\n* [6 Degrees Of Integration - Family (https:\/\/\/life\/@dragosroua\/6-degrees-of-integration-family) - last week I continued the **6 Degrees Of Integration Series** with the article about Family. My understanding of family is slightly different from the social norm. My vision of family is a specific type of interaction which functions at just 3 insertion points: kids,<br> spouses and elders. If you want to know what you can do to improve your adaptation at each level,<br> go ahead and read the article.\n\nSo,<br> even if I spent less time on Steemit,<br> I dedicated a lot of it to my witness activities. The upcoming hardfork 16 will change a lot of stuff around here and I think it's better to try and prevent as much as we can the damage,<br> instead of dealing with it once it hits the fan. So to speak. :)\n\nThank you!\n[image source (https:\/\/\/en\/typewriter-book-notebook-paper-801921\/)\n***\n_I'm a serial entrepreneur,<br> blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at [Dragos Roua (http:\/\/ where I write about productivity,<br> business,<br> relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua._<center>\n![Dragos Roua (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/05\/bamf-e1448824881306.png) <\/center>\n***\n\n<center>_**You can also vote for me as witness here: \nhttps:\/\/\/~witnesses**_<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"writing\",<br>\"steemit\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"someguy123\",<br>\"dragosroua\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/11\/typewriter-801921_1280.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/05\/bamf-e1448824881306.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/til\/@dragosroua\/til-that-nasa-em-drive-engine-does-in-fact-works-we-can-go-to-moon-in-4-hours-and-to-mars-in-70-days\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/steemit\/@dragosroua\/goliath-a-potential-black-swan-event-on-or-around-hardfork-16\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/witness-category\/@dragosroua\/witness-update-dragosroua-introducing-steem-witness-toolbox\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/life\/@dragosroua\/6-degrees-of-integration-family\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/en\/typewriter-book-notebook-paper-801921\/\",<br>\"http:\/\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/~witnesses\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.