Transaction: 3c5944f18983e2bc85715cf0e112af1d27e17753

Included in block 35,177,811 at 2019/08/01 17:12:00 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 3c5944f18983e2bc85715cf0e112af1d27e17753
ref_block_num 50,498
ref_block_prefix 3,608,222,433
transaction_num 22
signatures 2043b713f195d3663b844d020dcc167123b04de28a81c030c34f8135540167ec9b7ea6043ab4431f7392fa0285d1f0a6ef63718c90094a9f9302c2c4df163111fb
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"neoxian",<br>"author":"bwar",<br>"permlink":"daily-delegation-day-3-1-000-neoxag-delegation-everyday",<br>"title":"Daily Delegation - Day 3 (1,<br>000 NeoXAg Delegation everyday)",<br>"body":"<center>![Hacker_logo_sh.png (https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/bwar\/dxAGvhdN-Hacker_logo_sh.png)<\/center>\n\nLots of entries today and have decided to pick out two accounts for delegation. I may do this on occasion but my plan is to maintain doing 1 delegation each day. I try to power up 1,<br>000 NeoXAg but maybe if this contest keeps going well,<br> I will have to ramp up and start powering up 2,<br>000 NeoXAg. We'll see how things go.\n\nMy first delegation of the day is to @captain.palnet,<br> this is someone who supports a lot of people I interact with on a daily basis out there in the Steemit ecosystem. @captain.palnet is currently adding users for long term upvotes. If you want to win one of those,<br> I recommend joining the [Neoxian City discord (https:\/\/\/bdNeWnQ).\n\nNext up we have the very sad tale of @qam2112 who's dying wife's last wish was for me to delegate 1,<br>000 NeoXAg to him. The tale pulled on my heart strings for roughly 2 seconds before I read the disclaimer... Your tactics put a smile on my face so I had no choice but to choose you as a winner!\n\nI had two entries come in after I had already decided on today's winner so I will be including both of them as entries for tomorrow's delegation. @swedishdragon76 nominated @bearbear613 and @jonsnow1983 hoped in after I mentioned the contest on discord but since it's not fair to them that I had sneakily made my decision before then,<br> I will include both entries tomorrow.\n\nAnyways back to the contest,<br> it's real simple,<br> I'm delegating 1,<br>000 NeoXAg for 30 days everyday until people are no longer interested in the contest. All you have to do is convince me why you deserve the delegation. Just leave a comment and tell me why I should pick you. There will probably be some bonus points for people who reenter today.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/1.14.12\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"neoxian\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"delegation\",<br>\"contest\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"captain.palnet\",<br>\"qam2112\",<br>\"swedishdragon76\",<br>\"bearbear613\",<br>\"jonsnow1983\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"\/@captain.palnet\",<br>\"\/@captain.palnet\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/bdNeWnQ\",<br>\"\/@qam2112\",<br>\"\/@swedishdragon76\",<br>\"\/@bearbear613\",<br>\"\/@jonsnow1983\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/bwar\/dxAGvhdN-Hacker_logo_sh.png\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.