Transaction: 35309fc0f22720f46709cb66c6afa8a44334c5b0

Included in block 36,464,500 at 2019/09/16 06:30:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 35309fc0f22720f46709cb66c6afa8a44334c5b0
ref_block_num 26,461
ref_block_prefix 1,514,101,664
transaction_num 2
signatures 1f7f6093641bf8988f18acc612b2e3229fca7a8538d775e4c21f9b9573654d734a6cb7a1b2531bc6165381096320601e7dc4f119240359fae559948452208ad153
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"travelfeed",<br>"author":"shahriar99",<br>"permlink":"cox-s-bazar-a-beauty-of-heaven-to-remember-your-joy-of-travel",<br>"title":"Cox's Bazar: A beauty of HEAVEN to remember your joy of travel.",<br>"body":"Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuh.\n\nHellow everyone. \nToday I will gonna introduce you one and only our pride,<br> world's largest sea beach Cox's Bazar.\nLet's get started :-\n\nCox's Bazar is that the prime beach and traveler city in Bangladesh,<br> placed aboard the beach of the Bay of geographic area,<br> beside the ocean,<br> having unbroken a hundred and twenty km golden sand beach,<br> approachable through motor transport aboard the wavy water . This city is placed within the port Division in south-eastern Bangladesh,<br> beside 'Myanmar (Burma)'\n\n![img1.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmXB6oR4A4fUkWvnyQXyYjRy8gP2jKx2C4c3sGNForSAhQ\/img1.jpg)\n\nCox's Bazar ocean beach is that the longest ocean beach within the world,<br> a hundred and twenty klick long,<br> having no 2d instance. The wavy water of Bay of geographic region touches the beach throughout this a hundred and twenty klick. It's kind of a Cancun of the east. It's choc-a-bloc with huge well-architectured concrete structures,<br> affluent five star hotels,<br> business mostly to the country's elite and overseas tourists. The beach is barely a touch jam-pawncked in tourer season,<br> Gregorian calendar month to March,<br> particularly close to the hotel-motel zone,<br> however remains virgin throughout the remainder of the year,<br> Gregorian calendar month to September,<br> once it's higher to require a visit there.\n\n![img4.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmZKra8ZrPZTPdC3stky5zJLPW9yQLEFTNJpiB6whJ9DV7\/img4.jpg)\n\nSurfing Cox's Bazar city although atiny low one,<br> nevertheless an equivalent may be a city of heritage. The sailor 'Captain Cox' explored the neighbourhood to call it on his own name. The native folks each domiciled Burmese and Chittagonian lives consonant. the main folks area unit moderate Muslims however 'Buddhists' additionally live there. remember that at the native Buddhist temple,<br> native non-Buddhist Bangladeshis can follow you around supplying you with a 'tour,<br>' then demand cash. This cash after all goes in their pocket and to not the temple in any means.\n\n![img3.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmY71JJcpwRWQ4Qm5kA1KG4MpYWaQjLh7sBnpNSD9poNye\/img3.jpg)\n\n1. Himchari: A beautiful sight beside Cox's Bazaar.\n\n![himchori.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmccXZekfXNDh6mzUcjpcHfL13mDuwg8iWHqjvhfJMJfdp\/himchori.jpg)\n\nIt is concerning thirty two metric linear unit south of Cox's Bazar on the beach,<br> a pleasant place for a picnic and photo-shooting. The renowned \"Broken Hills\" and waterfalls here area unit rare sights.\n\n2. Inani Beach: A beauty of joy.\n\n![inani.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmUDvMzas8hyGUFx5m3EwJ3on4Bytwx2cEgG1nTaCJ4jNA\/inani.jpg)\n\nIt's regarding thirty two klick south of Cox's Bazar and simply on the beach,<br> with the ocean to the west and a background of steep hills to the east. Inani casts a voice communication on people who step into that mythical place. it's solely AN hour's drive from Cox's Bazar and a perfect place for sea-bathing and a picnic.\n\n3. Maheshkhali: A wonderful island.\n\n![maheskhali.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmY9zvWLutX7ebd2m25g58zeE2sY9K89nqXMBZpsiTMX7w\/maheskhali.jpg)\n\nThe island of Maheskhali (Mosh-khal-ee) makes a peaceful break loose Cox\u2019s Bazar,<br> and getting here by boat from Cox's Bazar is that the fun.\nWhen you get to Maheskhali,<br> you\u2019ll presumably be collared by communicative touts. Unless you would like a guided tour of the island,<br> ignore them,<br> and walk the 500m roughly to Goroghata,<br> the island\u2019s main town,<br> from where you will be ready to devour a standard tout-less cart.\n\n4. Ramu: The Buddhist place.\n\n![ramu.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmUo679RwhpaT2DGQYAS6x9us44uuRZwMSvmDb8MjnuAJJ\/ramu.jpg)\n\nThis is a typical Buddhist village,<br> regarding sixteen klick from Cox's Bazar,<br> on the most road to port. There area unit monasteries,<br> khyangs and pagodas containing pictures of Buddha in gold,<br> bronze and different metals decorated with precious stones.\nThe village features a charm of its own. Weavers ply their exchange open workshops and craftsmen create handstitched cigars in their temple like homes.\n\n5. Sonadia: A place to remember.\n\n![sonadia.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmYeRhHaY6DYyqbFWTSYvJQZqAYbDGQk15fwiXCby8xd8u\/sonadia.jpg)\n\nOne of the best place to pay your leisure in People's Republic of Bangladesh once visiting Cox'sBazar. It's simply twenty to half-hour motorboat visit from Cox'sbazar half-dozen No. Fisheries stairs. i might counsel to require a reserve boat from stairs to Sonadia Island. fancy the calm natural beauty,<br> the sea,<br> the long white or gray sandy beach,<br> larger waves then take a walk to main island Moheskhali to fancy the remainder fantastic thing about this nice island- The Canals,<br> Mangrove,<br> vessel,<br> Fishering,<br> Calm road and blue over head.\n\n6. Teknaf: A place of beauty and joy.\n\n![teknaf.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmXSbqtjZZyin2eS8zvJjSoXhoy9h4RJgCuhRo14Cw8dsz\/teknaf.jpg)\n\nSouthernmost tip of Asian country,<br> Teknaf settled on the Naaf stream and simply at the tip of the mountainous regions of the district. Union of Burma is on the alternative bank of Naaf stream. Wild animals and birds ar on the market however the foremost fascinating factor may be a journey on the stream. Wide sandy beach within the background of high hills with inexperienced forests is a fascinating scene ne'er to be forgotten.\n\nSo,<br> you guys are invited to visit here and feel the joy with your family and heartiest people. \n\nThank You.\n\nArticle by,<br>\nShahriar Sanjid\nDepartment of Philosophy\nJagannath University\nDhaka,<br> Bangladesh.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"travelfeed\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"travel\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"bangladesh\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmXB6oR4A4fUkWvnyQXyYjRy8gP2jKx2C4c3sGNForSAhQ\/img1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmZKra8ZrPZTPdC3stky5zJLPW9yQLEFTNJpiB6whJ9DV7\/img4.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmY71JJcpwRWQ4Qm5kA1KG4MpYWaQjLh7sBnpNSD9poNye\/img3.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmccXZekfXNDh6mzUcjpcHfL13mDuwg8iWHqjvhfJMJfdp\/himchori.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmUDvMzas8hyGUFx5m3EwJ3on4Bytwx2cEgG1nTaCJ4jNA\/inani.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmY9zvWLutX7ebd2m25g58zeE2sY9K89nqXMBZpsiTMX7w\/maheskhali.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmUo679RwhpaT2DGQYAS6x9us44uuRZwMSvmDb8MjnuAJJ\/ramu.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmYeRhHaY6DYyqbFWTSYvJQZqAYbDGQk15fwiXCby8xd8u\/sonadia.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmXSbqtjZZyin2eS8zvJjSoXhoy9h4RJgCuhRo14Cw8dsz\/teknaf.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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