Transaction: 33118de18983b6527620069271bbfa705eaa4341

Included in block 46,843,194 at 2020/09/13 20:08:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 33118de18983b6527620069271bbfa705eaa4341
ref_block_num 50,468
ref_block_prefix 837,941,476
transaction_num 2
signatures 206f6bd7c28bbc9c2fb2ba74fa10bc7973bd888e5f85489c58a95a49d1043e873c04be0146b48789f5f22c73ac1a6dfe3ea2d04e48a4dfb428e259cb4fb6baa763
"parent_author":"sapwood",<br>"parent_permlink":"qgl34f",<br>"author":"neerajkr03",<br>"permlink":"qgm5a0",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":">So from 7th September 2020 or from the date of enrollment in project Affable (whichever is later) each participant of contest-Project Affable has to remain active in #thediarygame(as minimum threshold criteria). No activity(comments) for 4 consecutive days in #thedairygame will render him\/her as inactive in the project Affable and hence his\/her affable ratio won't be taken into consideration for determining the winner(s) of this contest(project Affable).\n\n>>So is it possible that the current Affable Ratio calculation takes this criterion into account?\n\n<hr>\n\nI can add more logic to #SCM project (everything is possible with technology),<br> I just need some time.\n\nBut,<br> I am just wondering,<br> do we really need to add this rule and increase complexity? Affable has already many rules :)\n\nI support you and definitely the decision will be yours. \n\nIf you don't mind,<br> let's take suggestion from @steemcurator01,<br> please advise.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"thediarygame\",<br>\"thedairygame\",<br>\"scm\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"steemcurator01\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.