Transaction: 313979c83c2f605bc5b99e40c13546731e9ec572

Included in block 12,897,995 at 2017/06/17 11:06:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 313979c83c2f605bc5b99e40c13546731e9ec572
ref_block_num 52,934
ref_block_prefix 1,386,454,984
transaction_num 4
signatures 1f4b50649dc9c0e29a5a353cc081af6d579859ed908c91d1ce16ec4a40a5d418416de6107e3ba95a3af1a25c56784c3a9f2aa4611403d5c5294c1293b8613db437
"parent_author":"randomstmitnews",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-archane28-grantcoin-hidden-gem-or-coin-ready-to-fall-of-a-cliff-due-to-lack-of-demand-20170615t162631790z",<br>"author":"pbock",<br>"permlink":"re-randomstmitnews-re-archane28-grantcoin-hidden-gem-or-coin-ready-to-fall-of-a-cliff-due-to-lack-of-demand-20170617t110637883z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"The next distribution should be in September,<br> as it's quarterly.\n\nThe April distribution JUST got done. everyone of the 2,<br>500 users in over 85 countries got **2475.835017 GRT**\nSo about **2.47$**\n\nwith that,<br> the web wallets on to make it more accessible,<br> and the complete automation of the distribution process,<br> I think GRT has a chance to be of interest. \n\nAll they need to fund their UBI is,<br> technically,<br> donations from the richest,<br> and people to start buying it a bit. (my 2$ investment is now worth,<br> when the UBI is counted,<br> 10$,<br> so not *too* bad for a start)\n\nAlso,<br> you underestimate what \"use\" it has.\n\nYou're giving them very basic information,<br> in exchange of a possible UBI (technically,<br> proven to still work now)... What,<br> exactly,<br> is of no \"use\" ?",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"bitcoin\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.