Transaction: 2fd59fa4507d81e11e5b9fda4da5cf29616b1e5d

Included in block 20,697,862 at 2018/03/15 13:26:36 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2fd59fa4507d81e11e5b9fda4da5cf29616b1e5d
ref_block_num 53,998
ref_block_prefix 2,194,040,545
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f68f426455ac41a0f1ad44b7fb3c50f0ba943faea82b39529910bf1738585a2f641a40dc531f462c6b6437115888163890461f1144107699f450e6c56ab49bf8d
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"animals",<br>"author":"saltwaterxyz",<br>"permlink":"hk0ss1ex",<br>"title":"Do Cats Eat Their Kittens Feces ?...(Coprophagia)",<br>"body":"<center><a href='https:\/\/\/#!\/v\/saltwaterxyz\/hk0ss1ex'><img src='https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmePSC6wro5k4g3cwo7EsF8Kah5aH52L5bwuXehcLPwGms'><\/a><\/center><hr>\n\nWhile it may be horrifying to people,<br> cats have different behavior from humans,<br> reproduce in a different way from humans,<br> and survived in that way for a very long time. It\u2019s generally beneficial to cats as a species when they reject certain babies,<br> though at the expense of the attacked kitten.\n\n<hr><a href='https:\/\/\/#!\/v\/saltwaterxyz\/hk0ss1ex'> \u25b6\ufe0f DTube<\/a><br \/><a href='https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmRgb1sDs6bNny4qwmE2uZ64ZMCpRTANqSpMUHcdVYJeN1'> \u25b6\ufe0f IPFS<\/a>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"video\"<br>\"info\"<br>\"title\":\"Do Cats Eat Their Kittens Feces ?...(Coprophagia)\",<br>\"snaphash\":\"QmWUUNvkVPVXhz7j1u94xYkjxQqxjoEQP1kAxj2jSZ26aR\",<br>\"author\":\"saltwaterxyz\",<br>\"permlink\":\"hk0ss1ex\",<br>\"duration\":68.523,<br>\"filesize\":77840151,<br>\"spritehash\":\"QmYmigTSAyryhxCts3KbX9KjA791d6qPxgatgByQRbqs4n\" ,<br>\"content\"<br>\"videohash\":\"QmRgb1sDs6bNny4qwmE2uZ64ZMCpRTANqSpMUHcdVYJeN1\",<br>\"description\":\"Coprophagia is the act of eating and ingesting feces. This condition is far more common in dogs,<br> however,<br> it does appear occasionally in cats. There are times when eating feces is part of normal feline behavior. New mothers will often eat the feces of their newborn kittens as part of daily grooming routines.\\nA \\\"Tom\\\" male cat will normally establish a territory which contains a number of females or female groups,<br> and it is in his own interest to repel other males and to destroy kittens which may have been fathered by another male and which contain the genetic complement of his rival. ... Consequently,<br> he may kill those kittens.\\nIn addition to eating dead or sick kittens (to keep the living area and other kittens free from disease and infections) mother cats will occasionally (rarely) kill and sometimes eat healthy kittens due to stress. ... Cats (and dogs) will also kill their young if they feel stressed and unsafe.\\nWhile it may be horrifying to people,<br> cats have different behavior from humans,<br> reproduce in a different way from humans,<br> and survived in that way for a very long time. It\u2019s generally beneficial to cats as a species when they reject certain babies,<br> though at the expense of the attacked kitten.\\nCoprophagia is a term which refers to consumption of feces. Yes,<br> you read right,<br> eating one's own poop. In dogs,<br> while coprophagia appears to be purely behavioral,<br> there are indeed numerous medical problems that can cause or contribute to coprophagia.\",<br>\"tags\":[\"animals\",<br>\"cat\",<br>\"mental\",<br>\"behavior\" ,<br>\"video480hash\":\"QmUWCiMSA6GH7aBEPcc5ZNSxoQt4WiZ8mSq6FcfWcXqk2F\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"animals\",<br>\"cat\",<br>\"mental\",<br>\"behavior\",<br>\"dtube\" ,<br>\"app\":\"dtube\/0.7\" "
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