Transaction: 2f726ef4f0e9eca441ff0af95a99c68881e6e621

Included in block 36,464,437 at 2019/09/16 06:26:57 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2f726ef4f0e9eca441ff0af95a99c68881e6e621
ref_block_num 26,396
ref_block_prefix 2,859,089,246
transaction_num 8
signatures 20775b0d7e402499bb3aff4fed91e4769cfa91b4f8acf4d1684fbd99aaf24145743497d433b1476dfb80e52a96083f8e7e0647d01cf51b0707ae7ab19536aad481
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"discipline",<br>"author":"vibernation",<br>"permlink":"3-practical-tips-for-better-self-discipline",<br>"title":"3 Practical Tips for Better Self Discipline",<br>"body":"![thao-le-hoang-UpFy6jbnXS4-unsplash.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmRU9kCEPZ4LBbkPYZhVdojEDibRxxXWc85X4QusjH7aD6\/thao-le-hoang-UpFy6jbnXS4-unsplash.jpg)\n\nTo truly be Spiritual you MUST be self disciplined. You have to be making sure that you do what you say you\u2019re going to do and practice making your Spirituality a lifestyle. But the only way to do that is by becoming self disciplined.\n\nI\u2019m going to show you 3 tips that you can use to magnify your self discipline so that you can keep taking the steps to grow and become spiritually enlightened. \n\n1 - Write Down What You Need To Get Done\nThis is going to engrain your disciplines within your mind which in turn programs your mind to become in tune with that energy.\n\nSee,<br> your mind likes things laid out in a format that it can easily understand and when you make a simple \u201cto-do list\u201d it makes it easier for the mind to accept what you\u2019re trying to accomplish. \n\nWhile yes,<br> many can intuitively know what they need to do - day in and day out,<br> it may be best to start out with a list and as you get better at knowing what you need to do you can slowly detach from the list for good.\n\n2 - Remind Yourself Why You\u2019re DOing What You\u2019re DOing\nIf you don\u2019t know why you\u2019re doing what you\u2019re doing,<br> you\u2019ll eventually give up on it.\n\nBut why is that? Well,<br> think about it like this. When you get to that big bump in the road on your path,<br> what\u2019s stopping you from just turning around right then and there? if you don\u2019t even know why you\u2019re making the trip in the first place,<br> why would you keep on going? \n\nIt\u2019s inevitable that you\u2019ll reach some adversity on your path and when you know exactly why you\u2019re doing something,<br> you\u2019ll get that extra boost needed to complete your disciplines and break through the adversity!\n\nSo write down your \u201cwhy\u201d in your journal daily and meditate on it as well to really get the most out of this tip!\n\n3 - Actually DO It\nWhile writing down your disciplines and making sure you remind yourself can be helpful,<br> it also can be useless if you don\u2019t actually commit and follow through with your disciplines.\n\nThere\u2019s not much to say about this one besides making sure you complete your goals by taking positive action.\n\nSo when you commit to doing something actually do it!\n\nConclusion\nThere are many ways you can start to practice self discipline and these are just a few of the many ways to do so,<br> so don\u2019t be afraid to try them out! And of course,<br> see if you can come up with your own tips to help others on their path!\n\nMy Gratitude for tuning in,<br>\n\nSolar\n\nhttps:\/\/",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"discipline\",<br>\"selfdisicipline\",<br>\"spirituality\",<br>\"tips\",<br>\"success\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmRU9kCEPZ4LBbkPYZhVdojEDibRxxXWc85X4QusjH7aD6\/thao-le-hoang-UpFy6jbnXS4-unsplash.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.