Transaction: 2ee4db06cbbd8b9973c37ae29f8b8e7e715a5150

Included in block 42,440,937 at 2020/04/11 13:49:51 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2ee4db06cbbd8b9973c37ae29f8b8e7e715a5150
ref_block_num 39,127
ref_block_prefix 604,229,559
transaction_num 3
signatures 2076729326cad84204ea093d877e3375364a962148856dab91eeeafc21728345ff3abdd5f3fa886b8ac4cd14ba0167325ee5274625be9fa71a89e3c32b5a92086e
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-148441",<br>"author":"yousafharoonkhan",<br>"permlink":"garena-free-fire-battlegrounds-preview-2",<br>"title":"Garena Free Fire Battlegrounds ..Preview #2",<br>"body":"![image.png (https:\/\/\/DQmQTqqAPo2GiFY4eRVEcFLpqcjmrXM75q7ZiHryHQYZszN\/image.png)\n\n\nhttps:\/\/\/watch?v=emHp9vazU7k&t=726s\n\n### Dear friends\n\nit is my 2nd video about free fire game review,<br> as already i told in my first review of this game that it is online game,<br> so when you have wish to play this game then first on internet and then you can play it online,<br> it is not offline,<br> so here you can play this game in group,<br> but here in this video,<br> you will see that in first two round i died with out any reason,<br> because i did not kill any one in fix time,<br> so in this video,<br> you do not need to run here and there,<br> hide and seek ,<br> so in this game we need to find opponent to kill him,<br> so if we do not kill any one in fix time,<br> then electric shot killed us,<br> and then our energy go end,<br> so dear friends,<br> try to kill and find enemy to kill,<br>.\n\n\ni love this game to play live,<br> so today i also played this game live on YouTube channel so if you all want to join me online,<br> then give me your free fire user name,<br> i will join and then we will play it live on YouTube and we will share our game live on our hive community,<br> so hope you all will enjoy my 2nd video about free fire game,<br> if you love to play game,<br> please share with me your favourite online game,<br> we all play together ,<br> so come and creat hivegaming tag to promote hivegaming tag. if you liked my this video,<br> then do not forget to appreciate me.\n\n### Subcribe my other social profile\n[My Hive profile (https:\/\/\/@yousafharoonkhan)\n[My Dtube channel (https:\/\/\/#!\/c\/yousafharoonkhan)\n[My Youtube channel (https:\/\/\/channel\/UCsSeAcYdHWAfiWEjLRreetA?view_as=subscriber)\n[My Twitter profile (https:\/\/\/yousafharoonkh6)\n\n---\n\n<center>![zpdcfw.png (https:\/\/\/zpdcfw.png)<\/center>\n<center>![21h1ei.gif (https:\/\/\/21h1ei.gif)<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"hive-148441\",<br>\"gaming\",<br>\"appreciator\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"rocky1\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"lifestyle\",<br>\"neoxian\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmQTqqAPo2GiFY4eRVEcFLpqcjmrXM75q7ZiHryHQYZszN\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/vi\/emHp9vazU7k\/0.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/zpdcfw.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/21h1ei.gif\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=emHp9vazU7k&t=726s\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/@yousafharoonkhan\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/#!\/c\/yousafharoonkhan\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/channel\/UCsSeAcYdHWAfiWEjLRreetA?view_as=subscriber\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/yousafharoonkh6\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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