Transaction: 2cc23abfe37c3639320aeb2cbace2291deaa3af4

Included in block 22,409,719 at 2018/05/14 01:30:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2cc23abfe37c3639320aeb2cbace2291deaa3af4
ref_block_num 61,917
ref_block_prefix 357,143,513
transaction_num 27
signatures 1f337966f794f5adfdfc614b27c3b15afc837e89f1e23afae6d88921ebc842af5032ab4883cadff2f3d3c531607484f94c4dd6ea5db6ed79343d41c357d553da70
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"spanish",<br>"author":"duque",<br>"permlink":"opening-the-door-to-a-stranger",<br>"title":"Opening the door to a stranger.",<br>"body":"<center>![e03951dd11f06f3405e4e9905293bcc0.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmQjprc7xp4Ym2wqtx7mt1qq3J5riqjCL7h7nP6cFW2qhi\/e03951dd11f06f3405e4e9905293bcc0.jpg)<\/center>\n<center>[Fuente (https:\/\/\/pin\/80642649557683561\/?lp=true)<\/center>\nStefany,<br> a woman with many dreams,<br> at 18 years of age decided to get married and make her own life,<br> built her own home and everything was like a fairy tale,<br> a big house,<br> with a swimming pool and all the possible comforts after a few years of marriage she had her firstborn,<br> everything was an ideal world,<br> but there was a detail Harry her husband was a little aggressive verbally,<br> she liked to shout no matter to whom,<br> Stefany had already talked about it,<br> which was something unpleasant,<br> he told her that it would change but it was not so,<br> he kept shouting and more when he was drunk he got offensive,<br> Stefany thought about it a lot,<br> her husband,<br> luxuries and screams or a peaceful life and went for the second option,<br> decided to divorce and Harry did not believe him he laughed and yelled more but she was already decided and sent him a summons for divorce,<br> at the last meeting of the same when he left each one took his way.<p\/>\n<center>http:\/\/\/fp\/Lily+Collins+Lily+Collins+Goes+Out+Beverly+GXzs_GrfVWIl.jpg<\/center>\n<center>[Fuente (http:\/\/\/photos\/Lily+Collins\/Lily+Collins+Goes+Out+Beverly+Hills\/GXzs_GrfVWI)<\/center>\n\n\n---\n\nAt about 5 pm Stefany was very hungry and wanted to have a drink to lift his spirits,<br> he went into a restaurant and asked for something to eat and a strong drink (he needed it),<br> thinking about what his new life would be like,<br> he asked for the second drink to leave and suddenly the innkeeper came to him with a glass of wine,<br> She is surprised that the innkeeper tells her that the man sitting in the corner sent it to her,<br> receives it and thanked her with a gesture,<br> the stranger lets pass a few minutes and arrives at Stefany's table and presents himself \"hello,<br> My name is Robert\" she asks permission to sit down and she gives him permission to sit down,<br> she talks to him,<br> she mentions where he works,<br> he doesn't tell her much about his life,<br> she talks about everything he had inside,<br> he talks about the divorce but not the reasons,<br> 40 minutes go by and she wants to leave,<br> he walks her to his car and leaves,<br> the next day Harry goes to work,<br> Stefany goes to work,<br> Stefany works in a post office,<br> at noon when he goes out to lunch Harry gets in the way as if it were a coincidence,<br> she sees him and asks him \"what are you doing here?\" He tells her he was running errands,<br> asks her if she ate,<br> she says yes,<br> he offers her an ice cream and she accepts,<br> they walk and talk,<br> then a call comes in to Stefany,<br> it's her husband,<br> he says he has to take his things out of the house and he will keep the child,<br> all this worries her,<br> she doesn't know what to do,<br> she doesn't know what to do for 2 more days,<br> Robert was attentive to Stefany's call and asks her what's going on,<br> she tells him that her ex asked her to move,<br> he offers her help and he tells her that he would be passing through that area doing errands,<br> She rents a house and goes to get her things,<br> Robert accompanies her and helps her to put everything in boxes,<br> her ex arrives and when she opens the door the first thing she sees is Robert,<br> she gets upset and starts to shout and claim the presence of that man in her house,<br> but nothing happens there,<br> Stefany finally moves out and every day she meets Robert,<br> he accompanies her to her house and at 10pm she leaves,<br> she doesn't let him stay he was as if he were in love but she doesn't see him,<br> he was much younger than her.<p\/>\n\n<center>https:\/\/\/eol_images\/Entire_Site\/2017620\/|900:auto&output-quality=90<\/center>\n<center>[Fuente (https:\/\/\/news\/868329\/lily-collins-spotted-with-mystery-man-on-romantic-vacation-in-italy)<\/center>\n\n\n\n---\n\nOne night cooking with Robert as always present there,<br> she gets a call from a co-worker,<br> the call lasts more than an hour,<br> Robert annoyed was jealous to see her laughing so much,<br> that when she said something he beat her up he knocked her a little unconscious and put her in the car gives her two more blows and takes her away,<br> Stefany,<br> throwing blood through his nose and eyebrows,<br> didn't have much strength,<br> he took his cards but in all the ATMs where there was no money,<br> he remembers the clothes and returns them,<br> they arrive at the house and he gets off looking for the boxes of jewels,<br> she tries to get off but doesn't have a chance,<br> he comes to the car he sees that it is there and remembers the diamond ring that was not in the box he returns at that moment she gets out of the box she gives him a chance to go to one neighbor but there was no one else and touches the glass but they don't hear her,<br> her neighbor was wearing her hearing aids,<br> He goes to a third one,<br> if he sees her,<br> he opens the door and they call the police,<br> they immediately arrive and look for Robert but he had already left,<br> although luckily the van had GPS,<br> he doesn't go very far,<br> he is arrested when he is wheeled around,<br> that wasn't his real name,<br> his name was Anthony Samuel and he was under presentation for three similar cases of violence,<br> aggression and kidnapping. Stefany wanted to find a way out of her situation but she got a worse one,<br> let's analyze every step we take and get to know who we have around us and not make the same mistake she did.\n\n<center>http:\/\/\/medias\/nmedia\/18\/92\/23\/45\/20237009.jpg<\/center>\n<center>[Fuente (http:\/\/\/actores\/actor-413717\/fotos\/detalle\/?cmediafile=20237009)<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"spanish\",<br>\"writing\",<br>\"original\",<br>\"fiction\",<br>\"steemados\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmQjprc7xp4Ym2wqtx7mt1qq3J5riqjCL7h7nP6cFW2qhi\/e03951dd11f06f3405e4e9905293bcc0.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/fp\/Lily+Collins+Lily+Collins+Goes+Out+Beverly+GXzs_GrfVWIl.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/eol_images\/Entire_Site\/2017620\/|900:auto&amp;output-quality=90\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/medias\/nmedia\/18\/92\/23\/45\/20237009.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/pin\/80642649557683561\/?lp=true\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/photos\/Lily+Collins\/Lily+Collins+Goes+Out+Beverly+Hills\/GXzs_GrfVWI\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/news\/868329\/lily-collins-spotted-with-mystery-man-on-romantic-vacation-in-italy\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/actores\/actor-413717\/fotos\/detalle\/?cmediafile=20237009\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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