Transaction: 2c8fe1fbb007f85cf685ec548c42bd9ce0eb42c7

Included in block 35,177,793 at 2019/08/01 17:11:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2c8fe1fbb007f85cf685ec548c42bd9ce0eb42c7
ref_block_num 50,480
ref_block_prefix 1,636,378,154
transaction_num 37
signatures 20595deacc1cfef42d7cb9a2f058865c653141cdcfa2f698d861c1e22cf1068d05327ccb859ca02caeaabed67c938040258e86c0e966e83731e752274fd92d1076
"parent_author":"nathanmars",<br>"parent_permlink":"pvjlwm",<br>"author":"wil.metcalfe",<br>"permlink":"pvkief",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Yes... HOWEVER! I am a firm believer in compounded efforts Nathan. What I mean by this is... Taking an idea and persisting. Be that reiteration or complete model resign... That's fine! But taking the best of everything and honing it to the sharp end of the spear. My efforts with my companies @BeachReady (and others) have been the cumulation of many successes and failures all combined into one! Lateral movements were required as I evolved and grew as an entrepreneur but I never dug up the tree's I had planted just because they didn't yield fruit when I wanted them to. Often I wasn't who I needed to be and had things to learn,<br> other times the economics indicated winter rather than summer harvest times,<br> still others required me to take my ideas and redesign the business model from the ground up... But I learned LONG AGO (during my humble roots past and coming of age) TO NEVER SHOOT THE PIGS... The weather\/markets will change and TRUE VALUE EXISTS in your ideas despite if the markets are sane and valuing your efforts or not. It's persistence and confidence that ushers in the \"over night\" success... success that could be just around the corner!\n\nI hope that this all makes sense even though I may have spoken cryptically in spots.\n\nNathan! Thank you for commenting back and encouraging me to continue working on my final 7 videos for the #Seven77 Challenge! I appreciate you more than you know my friend!\n\nI look forward to hearing back from you in response to my Twitter DM! Thank you! :) \n___\nP.S. I don't know if you read my little note to you or watched my gratefulness video but here's the link:\nhttps:\/\/\/dtube\/@wil.metcalfe\/ktbd9ds7wsy",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"seven77\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"beachready\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/dtube\/@wil.metcalfe\/ktbd9ds7wsy\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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