Transaction: 2aa4979d62a5cfdd7d391f8c22dc426e6f1f58d5

Included in block 14,672,448 at 2017/08/18 04:31:51 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2aa4979d62a5cfdd7d391f8c22dc426e6f1f58d5
ref_block_num 57,916
ref_block_prefix 857,688,563
transaction_num 15
signatures 200a177b2f3574eb93fad11ed3c3c3e3354da982bb1758d4bb12aa50cbcc44e9204f6b08a0ec52501325aff56fc81706c42f29c49dc78619d00b7d1a91dea5e467
"parent_author":"marianneaviva",<br>"parent_permlink":"la-fe-no-viene-por-el-esfuerzo-viene-por-la-entrega",<br>"author":"dineroconopcion",<br>"permlink":"re-marianneaviva-la-fe-no-viene-por-el-esfuerzo-viene-por-la-entrega-20170818t043149822z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Este Post ha recibido un Upvote desde la cuenta del King: @dineroconopcion,<br> El cual es un Grupo de Soporte mantenido por 5 personas mas que quieren ayudarte a llegar hacer un Top Autor En Steemit sin tener que invertir en Steem Power. <a href='http:\/\/\/2tCbH3s'>Te Gustaria Ser Parte De Este Projecto?<\/a>\n\nThis Post has been Upvote from the King's Account: @dineroconopcion,<br> It's a Support Group by 5 other people that want to help you be a Top Steemit Author without having to invest into Steem Power. <a href='http:\/\/\/2tHUaLj'>Would You Like To Be Part of this Project?<\/a>\n",<br>"json_metadata":" "
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