Transaction: 278a4b3afc4a87e4914f4aac4a83fc88c6c0fd92

Included in block 75,863,235 at 2023/06/27 03:52:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 278a4b3afc4a87e4914f4aac4a83fc88c6c0fd92
ref_block_num 38,066
ref_block_prefix 3,220,121,617
transaction_num 7
signatures 1f4c662e61aa13b0354bb49c5be183fe5f541ab3d6661d34f4a09807dd4f9c54367ee039e0189b333db7ece19d3604bb768142fa7c659ae2419dfe774281ac6394
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-109435",<br>"author":"max-pro",<br>"permlink":"the-diary-game-26th-june-2023-or-a-beautiful-afternoon-story-with-travel",<br>"title":"THE DIARY GAME 26th June 2023 | A beautiful afternoon story with travel",<br>"body":"<\/center> <div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<center><sub>**Hello Everyone \nThis is @max-pro from,<br> #Bangladesh**<\/sub><\/center>\n|\n---|\n\n![IMG_20230626_173609.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmSAhBJo9ydVVehhZajKV1epeSwW23zpepFN6J6UeGEVdq\/IMG_20230626_173609.jpg)\n***\n<center><div class =\"phishy\">***THE DIARY GAME 26th June 2023 | A beautiful afternoon story with travel***<\/div><\/center>\n***\nAssalamu Alaikum friends. Hope you are all well. I am fine by the grace of Allah. So everyone I woke up to pray and performed ablution. Then I prayed Fajr. I slept for a while after praying. Then I got fresh and had breakfast. Then I rested for a while. Then I took out the bike to take my younger brother to coaching. Then I went to take him to coaching.\n***\n![IMG_20230626_080607.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmYhuMbqmKWbeeEVQfi2KaeA5UAdA5UxMPJqwPoDUGVu8k\/IMG_20230626_080607.jpg)\n\n<center><sup>At the moment of taking younger brother to coaching,<br> Photo taken in Mirzapur,<br> Bangladesh<\/sup><\/center>\n***\nAfter that I took my younger brother to coaching and returned home. I came home and did some work in my room. Then the uncle of our house next to me took me to see their cows. So it will be sold in the market. So I went there and painted the cow's rope. Then I returned home.\n\nI came home and worked on the laptop for some time. Then when it was time to take a bath in the afternoon,<br> I went to the washroom and took a bath. After that I got fresh and heard the call of Zohar prayer. So I went to the mosque to pray. After that,<br> I went to the mosque and saw that there was a lot of dirt on the balcony of the mosque. So I cleaned the spider's nest from the balcony of the mosque.\n***\n<div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_134637.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmQjV7XKaH3NB4VB7mXpLSeC1NWpc1qHQZ8GZML8BrHmiK\/IMG_20230626_134637.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_134658.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmexLQ3eokEmgszLhS111GihiBt25Nor8vomLTeEKbbsDk\/IMG_20230626_134658.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n![IMG_20230626_134545.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVQjRzL1QJ7LoxZDTb33Cyz51WWztiyb83AKxi81NxYNo\/IMG_20230626_134545.jpg)\n\n<center><sup>At the moment of cleaning our mosque,<br> Photo taken in Mirzapur,<br> Bangladesh<\/sup><\/center>\n***\nAfter that,<br> when it was time for prayer,<br> I offered Zohar prayer. I came home from the mosque after prayer. I came home and had lunch. Lunch items were rice,<br> fish curry,<br> potato bharta. After eating I rested for a while. Then I was writing engagement posts on Steemit. So in the meantime I charged my phone.\n\nThen my niece and my younger brother came and said that they would go for a walk in the afternoon. So we walked and saw rickshaws moving around. So we got into the rickshaw and went some distance. So it was a lot of fun to go in the rickshaw in the afternoon. Because the fun of going around in the afternoon by rickshaw is different. We went to a market by rickshaw.\n\nrichshaw rented | 70 BDT | 10 TRX\n-|-|-\n***\n![IMG_20230626_151918.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmUeXYxmZN3vLyr5z1cJHasNJYYNdw6L6KbYQZX9oKGWHL\/IMG_20230626_151918.jpg)\n\n<div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_151847.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmQo8tkWgt8P8QLZUUdYASdSw9HTXk3Ycb4b7MhPRFY8PB\/IMG_20230626_151847.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_153029.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmRY9Hk3ykEp9zqc7pHQHEsQTuUEzsUF4J9LQknXRAkieV\/IMG_20230626_153029.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n<center><sup>During the afternoon rickshaw ride,<br> Photo taken in Mirzapur,<br> Bangladesh<\/sup><\/center>\n***\nThis afternoon the sky was cloudy so we had a lot of fun walking around in the afternoon. So many of us were going to enjoy the rickshaw. Then we reached a market. After going there we saw the market. So the surrounding air was very beautiful in the air we were walking around.\n\nThe temperature in Bangladesh is currently falling and rising. Currently,<br> the rainy season is going on. So after a while it is raining and after a while the sky is covered with dark clouds. So we stood there for a while. Then I saw a man selling juice on the side of the road. So three of us played juice there.\n\njuice price | 30 BDT | 4.28 TRX\n-|-|-\n***\n<div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_173552.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmWjMxY4AhNNAzMntwncLJuiuN4jZgKvNTJkH9dyNKKUWS\/IMG_20230626_173552.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n![IMG_20230626_173546.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmaTZyNf7voGSyjFEGe5RDMurAyiXnBgi1pus7exYj7kyt\/IMG_20230626_173546.jpg)\n\n<\/div>\n\n![IMG_20230626_173609.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmSAhBJo9ydVVehhZajKV1epeSwW23zpepFN6J6UeGEVdq\/IMG_20230626_173609.jpg)\n\n<center><sup>At the moment of having juice in the afternoon,<br> Photo taken in Mirzapur,<br> Bangladesh<\/sup><\/center>\n***\nThen I prayed Asr. After wandering around there for a while,<br> we came home. After coming home,<br> Maghrib prayer call started. So I prayed Maghrib. After praying,<br> I came home and did some work on my laptop. Then I went to the mosque to pray again. I came home after praying from the mosque and had dinner. I was spending some time on steemit after eating at night. Then I fell asleep.\n\n>I have captured all the above pictures in this post with my Poco M2 Pro device.\n***\n|<center>Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog.<\/center>|\n---|\n\n![20221121_100847.gif (https:\/\/\/DQmXrSdnUgLihNkYEabftbyGToKKF9skJV3qJehfD2Aa3bQ\/20221121_100847.gif)\n\n<\/div>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"burnsteem25\",<br>\"steemexclusive\",<br>\"thediarygame\",<br>\"club5050\",<br>\"lifestyle\",<br>\"bangladesh\",<br>\"betterlife\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"max-pro\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmSAhBJo9ydVVehhZajKV1epeSwW23zpepFN6J6UeGEVdq\/IMG_20230626_173609.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmYhuMbqmKWbeeEVQfi2KaeA5UAdA5UxMPJqwPoDUGVu8k\/IMG_20230626_080607.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmQjV7XKaH3NB4VB7mXpLSeC1NWpc1qHQZ8GZML8BrHmiK\/IMG_20230626_134637.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmexLQ3eokEmgszLhS111GihiBt25Nor8vomLTeEKbbsDk\/IMG_20230626_134658.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVQjRzL1QJ7LoxZDTb33Cyz51WWztiyb83AKxi81NxYNo\/IMG_20230626_134545.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmUeXYxmZN3vLyr5z1cJHasNJYYNdw6L6KbYQZX9oKGWHL\/IMG_20230626_151918.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmQo8tkWgt8P8QLZUUdYASdSw9HTXk3Ycb4b7MhPRFY8PB\/IMG_20230626_151847.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmRY9Hk3ykEp9zqc7pHQHEsQTuUEzsUF4J9LQknXRAkieV\/IMG_20230626_153029.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWjMxY4AhNNAzMntwncLJuiuN4jZgKvNTJkH9dyNKKUWS\/IMG_20230626_173552.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmaTZyNf7voGSyjFEGe5RDMurAyiXnBgi1pus7exYj7kyt\/IMG_20230626_173546.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmXrSdnUgLihNkYEabftbyGToKKF9skJV3qJehfD2Aa3bQ\/20221121_100847.gif\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"null",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.