Transaction: 25f2c05fde147b4dac17cd1a1094b50932078703

Included in block 19,615,103 at 2018/02/05 22:08:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 25f2c05fde147b4dac17cd1a1094b50932078703
ref_block_num 19,814
ref_block_prefix 986,804,951
transaction_num 38
signatures 1f38913045a96613495c07c91fa6477bea043f5856317b41429696a805fdf20efa42707b8bd318080091c3619b385acad800b76e59f048df7698825c78cf375db1
"parent_author":"varignon",<br>"parent_permlink":"crypto-will-prevail-let-s-ask-why-together",<br>"author":"berksaustins",<br>"permlink":"re-varignon-crypto-will-prevail-let-s-ask-why-together-20180205t220810030z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I see a lot of bullshit about *\"why would you buy something backed by nothing more than enthusiasm and hot air?\"* going around. Might as well say *\"I don't understand it,<br> so it sucks.\"* The thing of it is,<br> bitcoin AKA \"crypto,<br>\" these are the very first implementations of working distributed ledger technology the world has ever seen. All of this shit is backed up by way more than \"hot air.\" It's backed by one of the coolest computer technologies ever invented. Is investing in useful,<br> totally radical (in every way...) technologies EVER WORTH IT?! Of course it is. Totally worth it. Is the game simple and easy to understand? Nope! Is it worth it? Yep!!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.