Transaction: 23effaff06101f6208f5e68d0274853227413103

Included in block 12,898,095 at 2017/06/17 11:11:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 23effaff06101f6208f5e68d0274853227413103
ref_block_num 53,034
ref_block_prefix 3,562,514,241
transaction_num 6
signatures 201d325897c7ec611243ad28768e5c44a9075a2341e76993f6d24b7cc6517c49f97d61b4b1dddd7a29c6d9c2106adc2f0b83b2a6ff65f2124e896d9455cd466691
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"test",<br>"author":"chrizbiz",<br>"permlink":"personality-10-short-questions-find-out-your-personality",<br>"title":"Personality TEST 10 short questions ! Find out your personality !!",<br>"body":"Do you want to know yourself better,<br> if so this personality test is one way to do that. Wereally hope you will never have to face these choices because these might be the hardest yet. Today you will get to know some things about your personalityit is crucial to be honest when answering these 10 impossible questions. Okay also don't forget to count how many times you chose a and how many times you chose B you will discover whatit means at the end of this post. Please let me know your outcome in a reply !\n\n![d6093291-1524-4a6b-b3de-115500fb1bb1.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmTnhSzCqg5M6WAtdNr5yz7wB2LXSxprsUpGRVAuMhuFEP\/d6093291-1524-4a6b-b3de-115500fb1bb1.jpg)\n\nlet's start !\n\nQuestion 1\nA. Would you rather save the life of a starving African child that you will never meet.\nB. Or have an actual working lightsaber\n\nQuestion 2\nA. Have no one show up at your wedding\nB. Or your funeral\n\nQuestion 3\nA. Live in a world where there are no problems\nB. Live in a world where you rule\n\nQuestion 4\nA. Date your crush or the hottest person you know \nB. Or a celebrity of your choice\n\nQuestion 5\nA. Find true love or ten million dollars\nB. Be able to flyor to read minds\n\nQuestion 6\nA. Know the date of your death\nB. Or the cause of your death\n\nQuestion 7\nA. Be the best friend of someone famous\nB. Or be famous yourself \n\nQuestion 8\nA. Have more time\nB. or have more money\n\nQuestion 9\nA. Be the smartest person \nB. Or the hottest person \n\nQuestion 10\nA. Be a doctor\nB. Or a lawyer\n\nnow here's what it all means based on your answers,<br> but first please count how many A's or B's you got. If you answered A more times than B then congratulations! You happen to be a very selfless person you really like to focus on others the well-being of those around you is very important to you and you would go to great lengths to make them feel special and appreciated.\n\n If you answered mostly B you have a tendency to be a little more selfish than others you often put the well-being of others on the second place,<br> It's you first then everyone else second\n\n well how did you score what type of person are you let us know in the comments section and if you like this post please give it an upvote and follow me for more content :)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"test\",<br>\"personality\",<br>\"entertainment\",<br>\"ten\",<br>\"questions\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmTnhSzCqg5M6WAtdNr5yz7wB2LXSxprsUpGRVAuMhuFEP\/d6093291-1524-4a6b-b3de-115500fb1bb1.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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