Transaction: 23b72181e3d1f0b5c746a6815de0aaacee050fcb

Included in block 12,898,045 at 2017/06/17 11:09:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 23b72181e3d1f0b5c746a6815de0aaacee050fcb
ref_block_num 52,985
ref_block_prefix 2,617,602,318
transaction_num 18
signatures 1f18077e989dc660495e75ac4943da5b1bc66ba4735187a2234a5bdf334adc48887168ae625fce40a95bd2a4043340539a89b90f294fbdb322fd5a4a8e8363700e
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"introduceyourself",<br>"author":"someonewhocares",<br>"permlink":"let-s-meet-a-self-proclaimed-philosopher-from-turkey",<br>"title":"Let\u2019s Meet! A Self Proclaimed Philosopher From Turkey",<br>"body":"Hello.\n\nI'm one of the digital generation like you and I'm living in Turkey. Where the enlightenment era never happened. Yes it's a strange place. I will let you know how life goes in Turkey later(1). But there's a picture from the streets of Istanbul first:\n\n![b\u00fcy\u00fck.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmUM33HAxe3JMAzGQ7ynoVPVvVihqvdDcq6ZwBV1pWymwu\/b%C3%BCy%C3%BCk.jpg)\n\n>I say there is no darkness but ignorance - Shakespeare\n\nI\u2019ve managed to graduate from the university 3 years ago spending most of my time not doing my homework. I studied social sciences and I used to be a believer,<br> I plan to write about why I became an atheist later (2). After some hardships and struggle,<br> I\u2019ve managed to land a job at the Ministry of Economy but before getting too excited I'll let you know it\u2019s not as cool as it sounds. Although well paid,<br> my work is meaningless and distant from my life. \n\nSome important thing happened 2 years ago,<br> I started to read. I was always a researcher but when I left Facebook (3) I had too much time for researching. I think Wikipedia is the most precious thing sapiens ever created. I enjoyed reading about philosophy,<br> economics,<br> history etc. People around me usually don\u2019t bother with such things,<br> they don\u2019t ask me any questions. \n\n![allwork.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmYCSD3ZzKp4qV6hyxvYMPZSQ6mwnVeDEYyoFm4V9rZ5cT\/allwork.jpg)\n\nOn a daily basis I have two complaints,<br> they are so routine:\n\n1- Not enough people are interested in what I have to say. But I have to say it.\n2- Knowledge and research ain\u2019t worth any money.\n\nSo I came here. After a few of my own writings I\u2019ll share articles and videos of the intellectuals I\u2019ll mention (4). These subjects will be depressing because dear reader: we are in a time of crisis. Everything looks fine but they aren't. It looks like Steem is a happy and excited place due to the presence of money but I have to go against the tide. I'll make you sad. I\u2019ll be looking for hardhearted debates and confrontations. Here are some intellectuals who opened my eyes:\n\nScience and Philosophy | Economics | History | Journalism\/Politics\n------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------\nNoam Chomsky | Richard Wolff | Norman Finkelstein | Julian Assange\nJ.K. Rowling | Yanis Varoufakis| Donald Kagan | Ray McGovern\nRichard Dawkins | Paul Craig Roberts | Michael Jabara Carley | Rafael Correa\nHakim Bey | David Graeber | Paul Freedman | Tariq Ali\nJanet Biehl | | | Finian Cunningham\nRichard Stallman | | | Miko Peled\n*I nailed the table*\n\nAristotle was the pupil of Plato,<br> which is one person. I\u2019m sitting in front of a computer and listening to countless individuals and there's so much to learn and it's time to spread the information.\n\nHere\u2019s my photo to attract marriage proposals.\n\n![IMG_0380.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmZmK1MpF195D4Khad5x9mQ1ccnbzEvxXXaJWyMNDbeENu\/IMG_0380.JPG)\n\nI will make researching sexy again.\n(1) In one post,<br> I\u2019ll write about Turkey. \n(2) In one post,<br> I\u2019ll tell why you shouldn\u2019t believe in Islam(or any religion). I'll try to explore why religions still persist.\n(3) In one post,<br> I\u2019ll explain why I quit Facebook and Google and I'll introduce Richard Stallman as a visionary.\n(4) I\u2019ll share enlightening talks and writings of living intellectuals.\n(5) I\u2019ll share lots of artistic material which provokes critical thought.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"introduceyourself\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"politics\",<br>\"anarchism\",<br>\"philosophy\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmUM33HAxe3JMAzGQ7ynoVPVvVihqvdDcq6ZwBV1pWymwu\/b%C3%BCy%C3%BCk.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmYCSD3ZzKp4qV6hyxvYMPZSQ6mwnVeDEYyoFm4V9rZ5cT\/allwork.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmZmK1MpF195D4Khad5x9mQ1ccnbzEvxXXaJWyMNDbeENu\/IMG_0380.JPG\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.