Transaction: 2196494c17378ab36885ca712054636a2bffc809

Included in block 14,672,530 at 2017/08/18 04:35:57 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 2196494c17378ab36885ca712054636a2bffc809
ref_block_num 57,997
ref_block_prefix 3,628,542,970
transaction_num 19
signatures 202546c0cfa78190fdcf3b13781bce84720ca4d3c58f6ee92ae9b81c5d756b18221f00e67b1af3b60f5228f737d1a3d5586cee2e5e1dc4d1e0e3d438808d92a6ee
"parent_author":"bearone",<br>"parent_permlink":"my-60-days-of-steemit-community-service",<br>"author":"sirknight",<br>"permlink":"re-bearone-my-60-days-of-steemit-community-service-20170818t043554078z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"If you can do all this in 60 days Arly - imagine what you will achieve over a year. You are a truly amazing artist and person. \n\nI can't begin to express how much the steemians in these teams owe to you - not to mention the entire Steemit platform. \n\nIt is you which makes Steemit a visual pleasure and your graphics,<br> images,<br> logos which create a world that is uniformed,<br> stable and comfortable to spend hours a day operating within.\n\nLooking forward to all your endevours here on Steemit Arly.\n\nSirKnight.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"teamaustralia\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.