operations |
comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"indonesia",<br>"author":"good-steel",<br>"permlink":"kegunaan-daun-balacasida-usefulness-of-balacasida-leaf-9b970543f7c96",<br>"title":"Kegunaan daun balacasida (usefulness of balacasida leaf)",<br>"body":"<div class=pull-left>\nIndonesia\n\nSelamat malam sahabat steemit dimana pun anda berada,<br> salam hangat dari saya semoga semua masih sehat dan baik setelah seharian bekerja,<br> sambil santai menikmati malam saya akan memposting tentang mamfaat dan kegunaan dari daun balacasida (chromolaenaodorata)....\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/rsrknghm8t.jpg\nSebenarnya tumbuhan ini sangat mudah kita dapatkan,<br> terutama didaerah dengan ketinggian 1000 hingga 2800 mdpl,<br> daun balacasida ini memiliki kandungan nutrisi yaitu : fenol,<br> alkaloit,<br> triteparoit,<br> tanin,<br> flavonoid,<br> dan limonen. Banyak sekali khasiat dari daun ini selain untuk pertanian,<br> obat herbal dan kesehatan,<br> tetapi banyak orang tidak mengetahuinya,<br> berikut saya akan menulis beberapa artikel tentang khasiat daun balacasida ini untuk kesehatan:\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/jmzikw9xh1.jpg\n1. Mengobati luka.\nIni yang seing masyarakat gunakan yaitu dengan cara menumbuk atau memeras airnya dan menaruh diatas luka.\n\n2. dapat mengobati kista.\n\n3. dapat mencegah \n penyakit diabetes\n\n4. mengobati penyakit maag\nCaranya dengan merebus daun balacasida dan diminum secara berkala\n\n5. Dapat menjaga kesehatan jantung\n\n6. obat vertigo \ndengan meminum air rebusan daun balacasida saat vertigo kambuh.\n\n7. Mencegah kanker serviks \nyaitu penyakit yang mematikan pada wanita dengan cara meminum air rebusab balacasida.\n\n8. Menjaga kesehatan reproduksi wanita,<br> dengan cara meminum air rebusan daun balacasida.\n\n9. dapat menurunkan kadar kolestrol\n\n10. Obat asam urat\n\n11. Dapat menyembuhkan sakit kepala dan melancarkan peredaran darah..\n\n12. Selain untuk kesehatan daun ini bisa mengobati jerawat,<br> dengan cara menumbuk dan menempelkan pada jerawat..\n\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/opovo24adi.jpg<\/div>\n\n\n<div class=pull-left>\nEnglish\n\ngood night friend steemit wherever you are,<br> warm greetings from me hope all is still a healthy and well after a day of work,<br> while relaxing enjoy the night I will post about the efficacy and usefulness of leaves balacasida (chromolaenaodorata) ....\n\n\n\n\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/lqj300m9cf.jpg\nactually this plant is very easy we get,<br> especially in areas with a height of 1000 until 2800 mdpl,<br> leaves balacasida it has a nutrient content: the phenol,<br> alkaloit,<br> triteparoit,<br> tannins,<br> flavonoids,<br> and limonene. lot of the efficacy of this leaves in addition to agriculture,<br> herbal medicine and health,<br> but many people do not know,<br> here I will write some articles about the efficacy of leaves balacasida to health:\n\n\n\n\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/n7evca5dsk.jpg\n\n\n1. treat wound. This is seing public use the way mashing or squeeze the water and put the above wound. \n\n\n2. can treat cysts. \n\n\n3. can prevent diabetes\n\n\n4. treat ulcer disease way to boil leaves balacasida and drink periodically \n\n\n5. can keep the heart health \n\n\n6. drug Vertigo with drinking water stew leaves balacasida when Vertigo relapse. \n\n\n7. prevent cervical cancer is deadly disease in women by way of drinking water rebusab balacasida. \n\n\n8. Maintain reproductive health of women,<br> by drinking boiled water leaf balacasida.\n\n\n9. can lower cholesterol levels\n\n\n10. Drugs uric acid\n\n\n11. Can cure headaches and blood circulation ..\n\n\n12. in addition to the health leaves this can treat acne,<br> by way of mashing and paste the acne ..\n\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/k890casn6b.jpg<\/div>\n\n<div class=pull-left>\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/jmzikw9xh1.jpg\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/lqj300m9cf.jpg<\/div>\n\n<div class=pull-left>\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/n7evca5dsk.jpg\n<hr>https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/rsrknghm8t.jpg<\/div>\n\nHanya ini postingan saya malam ini semoga bermamfaat bagi kita semua..\n\nonly this posting my tonight we wish useful for all of US...\n\n...upvote and follow me @good-steel...",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[ ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/rsrknghm8t.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/jmzikw9xh1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/opovo24adi.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/lqj300m9cf.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/n7evca5dsk.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/k890casn6b.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/jmzikw9xh1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/lqj300m9cf.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/n7evca5dsk.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/rsrknghm8t.jpg\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"good-steel\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"indonesia\",<br>\"health\",<br>\"benefits\",<br>\"esteem\",<br>\"esteemapp\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.5.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" " | comment_options | "author":"good-steel", "permlink":"kegunaan-daun-balacasida-usefulness-of-balacasida-leaf-9b970543f7c96", "max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD", "percent_steem_dollars":10000, "allow_votes":true, "allow_curation_rewards":true, "extensions":[[0, "beneficiaries":[ "account":"esteemapp", "weight":500 |