Transaction: 1d136490b376e02beb9854605d400b01863c02ac

Included in block 14,672,453 at 2017/08/18 04:32:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 1d136490b376e02beb9854605d400b01863c02ac
ref_block_num 57,921
ref_block_prefix 1,967,369,314
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f34305624a211099c399ec4182b4a6a270dddfd2abb7d9dfb1a575153cee1d505507e3fdbee9927136812c5fa64b2d91845ab59932fcb33893b3b6ce569f02d89
"parent_author":"soo.chong163",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-rieki-re-soochong163-re-rieki-imagine-a-morning-like-this-20170818t030854754z",<br>"author":"rieki",<br>"permlink":"re-soochong163-re-rieki-re-soochong163-re-rieki-imagine-a-morning-like-this-20170818t043210472z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"> \"My guess is that the plants can communicate with and exchange resources with other plants on the opposite side of the continent.\"\n\nNot just plants,<br> the noosphere of information permeates the whole planet,<br> and we're able to tap into it as well...\n\nThere is the countless phenomenon related to this,<br> one being the coincidences of unrelated scientific discoveries happening simultaneously in different parts of the globe.\n\nRegardless,<br> I am finding it more and more futile to try and 'improve' upon nature. There is nothing in our technocratic world that our natural would haven't done better. So,<br> my path now is one that is to cultivate a better relationship with the natural world and work with her cycles and rhythms to create the best life. Opposed to trying to fight them with 'improvements'. Seriously,<br> we do *way* more meaningless work than we need to!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"story\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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