Transaction: 1a1744886f6d101ced8feaa5743df5bc9435a864

Included in block 12,898,207 at 2017/06/17 11:17:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 1a1744886f6d101ced8feaa5743df5bc9435a864
ref_block_num 53,147
ref_block_prefix 291,596,898
transaction_num 17
signatures 200f4b2f3fe32df467b13429eabdf5d0f8a80ad991999dc9ee5535a9b0985476a747280756b259bc70c84b07f826181a18c116119e33c5d98b1572644bbf873533
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"poetry",<br>"author":"richardjuckes",<br>"permlink":"poetry-is-uncomfortable-a-poetic-rant",<br>"title":"Poetry is Uncomfortable - a poetic rant",<br>"body":"_Her beauty has a timeless quality_\n_An ethereal femine grace_\n_Setting small ripples on the pool's surface_\n_The cool still water of the fountain of youth_\n\nBut poetry's fucking uncomfortable\nand TS Eliot had a day job in a bank;\n\n- Here's a [link (https:\/\/\/watch?v=qfTlGMCeuDE) to another kind of poem which I hope has more questions than answers.\n\n- we are taking a short break,<br> into prose,<br> thinking about the difficulties of this artform -- you can never sell a poem because it matches the colour scheme in some richman's lounge,<br> never have your words on the lips of the young girls waiting for taxis,<br> weighted with bags,<br> outside the malls or at the ends of the pedestrian zones,<br> the neon lights flashing -- we should reference [this (http:\/\/\/news\/world\/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html) article,<br> _Modern Art was a CIA weapon_,<br> or something by Francis Stonor Saunders,<br> or quote this quote :: _I happened to be at Cambridge. I was sent there by the government on a government grant_ :: if Sylvia Plath floats your boat.\n\n_Ptala se t\u011b mlad\u00e1 d\u00edvka: Co je po\u00e9zie?_\n(I can't speak Czech,<br> but I can use Google)\nAnd it's not comparable to a summer's day,<br>\nNor nothing like the sun,<br> dark and curly haired,<br>\nShakespearean references to the problem,<br>\nHow to express my love.\n\n------------------------\n\nHere's a poet\n@wbudic\nNew to Steemit\n[A powerfull piece (https:\/\/\/poetry\/@wbudic\/it-hard-to-understand-miley-cyrus)\nPlease read and upvote\nIf you like it\n\n----------------\n\nLet's end with a quote from Yeats\n_Cast a cold eye \n On life,<br> on death. \n Horseman,<br> pass by!_\n\n---------------\n\nThank you for reading.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"poetry\",<br>\"writing\",<br>\"philosophy\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"wbudic\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=qfTlGMCeuDE\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/news\/world\/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/poetry\/@wbudic\/it-hard-to-understand-miley-cyrus\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.