Transaction: 14bbb910aea84eaf0ceaa9ddbcde9d249c83187c

Included in block 35,177,774 at 2019/08/01 17:10:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 14bbb910aea84eaf0ceaa9ddbcde9d249c83187c
ref_block_num 50,460
ref_block_prefix 1,509,010,113
transaction_num 39
signatures 1f4dcb46399b8c9a14237e95196e09d9430df63dd6b8f48c6aae9beaf8d61f12492fe5f5887ec53320e03dfe67be60d89d1119b4d7a451b404e9f5036381340306
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"introduceyourself",<br>"author":"rblaes",<br>"permlink":"disclaimer",<br>"title":"Disclaimer",<br>"body":"This is the mellow welcoming post.\nAlso this will be my disclaimer.\n\nThe disclaimer\u2019s disclaimer:\nDon\u2019t take everything too seriously :-)\n\n# Disclaimer\n\n## Rule No. 0: (Master Rule): \nI post solely for my personal amusement.\n\n## Rule No. 1:\nIf you discover any typographical,<br> grammatical,<br> semantic or syntactic mistake,<br> you may keep it I don't want it back.\n\n## Rule No. 2:\nI may write in any language I want,<br> without really understanding it. If you have a problem with it,<br> read Rule No. 1.\n\n## Rule No. 3:\nThe posts you will see are a direct flow from my brain,<br> so you might not understand them. If you have a problem with it,<br> read the Master Rule.\n\n## Rule No. 4:\nBehave whichever way you want...but not like you're at home.\n\n## Rule No. 5:\nI might either be (right && happy) || (wrong && happy),<br> depending on how you proof me.\n\n## Rule No. 6:\nIf you don\u2019t like what you see,<br> look the other way.\n\n## Rule No. 7:\nIf I said something yesterday,<br> I said something yesterday. Also note Rule No. 5\n\n## Rule No. 8:\nLeave your violence,<br> aggression and bad manners where they belong:\nAt home.\nFurther questions see Rule No. 4.\n\n## Rule No. 9:\nThere are 10 rules.\n\n## Rule No. 10:\nThere is no Rule No. 10.\n\n\nHave fun :-)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"introduceyourself\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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