Transaction: 10b55f2c2e4821298e6b14630b6d38d6f86df82f

Included in block 12,898,023 at 2017/06/17 11:08:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 10b55f2c2e4821298e6b14630b6d38d6f86df82f
ref_block_num 52,961
ref_block_prefix 987,571,375
transaction_num 10
signatures 20123b623f22fcde622fe8b8caa74fd9cdd082d453bec4bc467cfc4d2aaabdc2690ab567e391b7adbc11c84f1d915c7c7596da91ee504dede4d9b210a65e3e214c
"parent_author":"doitvoluntarily",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-realcodysimon-re-doitvoluntarily-does-cannabis-promote-laziness-new-study-says-otherwise-20170617t110129140z",<br>"author":"realcodysimon",<br>"permlink":"re-doitvoluntarily-re-realcodysimon-re-doitvoluntarily-does-cannabis-promote-laziness-new-study-says-otherwise-20170617t111153444z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"To me it seems nitpicky. Now don't get me wrong,<br> huge fan and I'm all for legalization and all the benefits it provides,<br> I just think if different metrics were used such as something more linear the outcome wold be different. \nIt seems that the title is there to discuss laziness while the article shows income. But then for the same reason we can talk about cocaine. being expensive it's usually rich successful people who partake. That doesn't mean coke causes success,<br> just that that is how some rich people like to have fun. Same for weed IMO,<br>just a way for already successful people to relax",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"cannabis\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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