Transaction: 1081852d3f4585eb4905d358734e83c903658a74

Included in block 2,303,848 at 2016/06/13 14:24:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 1081852d3f4585eb4905d358734e83c903658a74
ref_block_num 10,087
ref_block_prefix 3,305,821,065
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f3151f33f6529dc9adeba470d7f11cb54675eea2c9e781f725300ed5f2e8913274067d6fc73674386132802e5c32d6b7020f841c1d12cc6c252f1dcfcc4e5334e
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"driving",<br>"author":"vrdad",<br>"permlink":"driving-in-the-snow",<br>"title":"Driving in the snow",<br>"body":"It's the middle of the night and it's snowing. I have my brother in law in the seat next to me. We are shooting down the highway and he is yelling \"Yeah! Yeah! I wish I could film this!\" of course it's the snow swirling around the jeep. Looking very much like we are jumping to another star in Elite Dangerous. I am some what uncomfortable driving in this much snow. It's accumulated on both sides of the highway and the road is becoming sleety. \"Keep going this is awesome!\" The road went on forever like this almost straight as an arrow. We were in the great basin desert of Nevada. No other cars in sight for hours,<br> because we are crazy enough to drive this in the middle of the night. We had left the desert several hours before where it was so hot and dry. People where flip flops and shorts year round. It starts to hail and we both look at each other and smile. Ice rocks are bouncing off the jeep at seventy miles an hour. A truck passes and almost blinds us. It has a strange green light near the driver and I wonder what it means. The snow starts to die down about an hour later and we stop and get gas. After filling up and I got some coffee we are on the road again. It's late and my brother in law passes out. I climb the rig into the mountains. It's snowing again and he is snoring. The sleet is really building up it must be a few inches now. My cargo trailer starts slipping around. It's full with the stuff we are moving. The jeep is hanging on but I can really feel the trailer pulling on it. I have the 98 5.9 jeep so it can pull a heavy trailer. I climbed the jeep for what seemed like forever. Sliding ,<br> snow,<br> and sleet be dammed. Finally we made it and the snow stopped. I was grabbing the wheel so tight when it finally ended and I could relax my hands hurt. Then my brother woke up and said \"bummer the snow stopped.\"",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"driving\" "
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