Transaction: 0e8228010fd915c271c7b2ceb82c7f0229ef7ee6

Included in block 15,729,337 at 2017/09/23 21:40:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0e8228010fd915c271c7b2ceb82c7f0229ef7ee6
ref_block_num 693
ref_block_prefix 2,098,089,312
transaction_num 9
signatures 20140e289160f500f8a49ba11a4171af6e67be8166953b389b71ae4e3b913aa77747edf949b925fb2140194e20d45142bd6d312f7c81fc5e392dc2ad2d157c4811
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"health",<br>"author":"jokir",<br>"permlink":"benefits-of-pomegranate",<br>"title":"benefits of pomegranate",<br>"body":"![download.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmd62zVpQoALA6kxL3Twz6aMykNEtyXuuJBi1cqDxwmsWg\/download.jpg) ![download.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmcxGLnckCD5ffkQDm5fp3S2zVTFhewzBAyPJRj3CriFVr\/download.jpg)\n\nPomegranate is a fruit of the same delicious taste of paradise and the many benefits that accrue to a healthy body. But as long as described in ancient medicine for the treatment of many diseases,<br> in addition to what proved to talk of his role in the resistance of cancers,<br> treatment and prevention of many other health problems of medicine.\n\nUsually pomegranate consumption either by eating seeds or juice or even powdered or dried internal tags which are crushed crustWhen we speak of pomegranate peel,<br> we mean here both internal and external full and surrounding seeds only the crust without the pulp with a bitter taste yellow interior.\n\nSnhdzqm here is special about pomegranate peel and benefits and how to use it to collect the various benefits of health and aesthetic benefits:t found that pomegranate peel have anti-inflammatory properties of the digestive tract and intestines and facilitate digestion. And help to stop the bleeding in the intestines and promotes the work of lining thanks to the content of some minerals such as potassium,<br> magnesium and materials Aldbagbobaltala It helps in the prevention and treatment of diarrhea,<br> as is the pomegranate peel repellent to parasites and worms that may be inside the intestines. It also contributes to eating pomegranate peel in the promotion of colon health and the prevention of hemorrhoids.\n\nHow to use drink a glass of pomegranate peel soaked for three days a week,<br> with the addition of a little cumin him. The course is advised to consult a specialist doctor and therapist before. Pomegranate peel can contribute to calm the symptoms of tonsillitis and throat thanks to its anti-inflammatory and thanks to the powerful antioxidants it contains,<br> such as flavonoids.\n\nHow to use: Boil a group of pomegranate peel or dried Mshogaha in the water and then drink boiled. Or you can use the gurgling This will help to reduce the pain and inflammation of the tonsils throat.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"health\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmd62zVpQoALA6kxL3Twz6aMykNEtyXuuJBi1cqDxwmsWg\/download.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmcxGLnckCD5ffkQDm5fp3S2zVTFhewzBAyPJRj3CriFVr\/download.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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