Transaction: 0df9fb60a260f51f23065a0c8a3f63e611397fc7

Included in block 34,289,066 at 2019/07/01 19:16:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0df9fb60a260f51f23065a0c8a3f63e611397fc7
ref_block_num 13,713
ref_block_prefix 330,798,565
transaction_num 7
signatures 1f60c04506b78b0189ff966d5d84c2e4fe1758ce8b4e8d6e0cdaa31504e6b327c965bb83c3ad22a65988822aee014b387d73ae3ec7316900f338b3aaeeaaff0e02
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"writing",<br>"author":"eliana63",<br>"permlink":"the-calamities-of-a-mango-nature-stories",<br>"title":"The Calamities Of A Mango - Nature Stories",<br>"body":"<html>\n<center>https:\/\/\/2887JzJt\/20190424-145855-1.jpg<\/center>\n<p>\n<center><p>&nbsp;<strong>&nbsp;Nature Stories<\/strong><\/p><\/center>\n<center>https:\/\/\/Y9dz2ZLR\/puis.png<\/center>\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><p>Once upon a time,<br> there was a beautiful Mango that couldn't dance,<br> sighs and sighs to be able to speak,<br> with the desire of green to be able to return,<br> the mature Mango began to cry,<br> a young Manguita near him asks him: What is it Dear Mr. Manguini? And this one answers him: I am already old and I will fall from here,<br> and you chiquitica you stay here.<\/p><\/div>\n<center><p><strong>Mr. Mango Thinking Is<\/strong><\/p><\/center>\n<center>https:\/\/\/Y9dz2ZLR\/puis.png<\/center>\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><p>Seeing myself in my days of peace,<br> small and innocent; nobody should feel like it,<br> but now I am big,<br> and everyone wants a little bite; between my complexion and juicy flesh,<br> yellow with reddish hues,<br> in the sight of many I am a tasty.<\/p><\/div>\n<center><p><strong>A Beautiful Death The Mango Had To Fulfill<\/strong><\/p><\/center>\n<center>https:\/\/\/Y9dz2ZLR\/puis.png<\/center>\n<div class=\"text-justify\"><p>And in the days of that time,<br> on a warm morning,<br> the Mango fell,<br> no one picked it up,<br> the days passed,<br> it fermented,<br> its big seed grew,<br> and the Mango is now a big tree. Since then a warm breath warmed,<br> the green leaves swayed,<br> a firm trunk danced,<br> together with a summery air; for it was our dear Lord Manguini,<br> who was already a great tree with its own shade.<\/p><\/div>\n<center>https:\/\/\/HLK9s08N\/firma-decente.png<\/center>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"writing\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"photography\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/2887JzJt\/20190424-145855-1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/Y9dz2ZLR\/puis.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/HLK9s08N\/firma-decente.png\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.