Transaction: 0de29cf691ec202ee1eb7f9eb61e15bf198dcf63

Included in block 12,898,075 at 2017/06/17 11:10:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0de29cf691ec202ee1eb7f9eb61e15bf198dcf63
ref_block_num 53,015
ref_block_prefix 3,119,574,349
transaction_num 11
signatures 1f09f33053c2acad30cb0674a07695129308bc9d92a9eb155f31334b9237b947867e478ad8a096dbe006c7b65ae1de6a02e4df28a0d7c55417d9c842c5f1608f81
"parent_author":"stanleysteemers",<br>"parent_permlink":"info-wars-do-you-watch-it",<br>"author":"michael-kahunka",<br>"permlink":"re-stanleysteemers-info-wars-do-you-watch-it-20170617t111037044z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I do watch it.\n\nNot every day but I do scan the channel occasionally to see what they are talking about.\n\nAlex has a brash,<br> loony personality that is easy to dislike but he deserves more credit than anyone for waking people up.\n\nI don't agree with everything on InfoWars but they are spot on with most of the issues.\n\nI watch almost all of Paul Joseph Watson's videos. I don't think he is neo-nazi at all,<br> rather a millennial who \"gets it,<br>\" something we need more of. \n\nMichael",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"news\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.