Transaction: 0bcf164fc6c3a9fd13b71ff80076f6a8b83c75b6

Included in block 12,897,987 at 2017/06/17 11:06:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0bcf164fc6c3a9fd13b71ff80076f6a8b83c75b6
ref_block_num 52,926
ref_block_prefix 3,878,192,414
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f745859cc30330c56d7a02cc5d8a2ea3fa696b4759d39d6701976936ef97abbae0953a153be966374f8c0d925a5dedd5eba8a74f147c02a4e64ed14af2d76cef0
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"mother98",<br>"permlink":"freerunning-parkour-why-i-do-it",<br>"title":"Freerunning\/Parkour- Why I do it?",<br>"body":"![FB_IMG_1497628747715.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVzyaQ1sUYoHuDvmFKgYMKxmwfXUxZynNK7sorrmSWNH9\/FB_IMG_1497628747715.jpg)\n\n\n# What is Parkour\/ Freerunning? \n \n* Parkour is a sport that was created by David Belle in late 90s. He created this sport for the French Armed Forces so the Special Operation forces can easily breach on houses and execute the operation they are undergoing without using too much equipments. \n Parkour or Freerunning is usually done by using our whole body to overcome the obstacle that lay in our path with ease and not making us hault. Knees,<br> elbows ,<br> hands and back is the main part to do this. Parkour even help us overcome any kind of fear we carry and gives us mental peace. \n\n## How I came to know about it.\n\n\"Hey bro. I saw something on Fight Science on National Geographic. They seem to be martial artist and gymnast but they can efficiently climb walls,<br> run down from obstacle as if it's nothing for them. What do you say? Should we do the same,<br> I mean we are martial artist too let's try something new now.\" - I told my friend about Freerun not exactly knowing what was that. \n We then took help of Google for knowing the name of this beautiful sport and it's rules. \n\nSo we started Parkour\/ Freerun 8 years back. We took permission from the cops so we can practice in a abandoned school premise. Started from the bottom looking at YouTube video,<br> we gradually started learning the vaults,<br> the art of movements and the advantages of Parkour. And we're still continue Parkour because this is our life now.\n# The world is over playground. We break our bones not anyone's heart. \n\n![FB_IMG_1497628723464.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmP34mjRFHZs3trf7AYJeYhGjibsEVFqF4TYsfvcSKDakS\/FB_IMG_1497628723464.jpg)\n\n# What benefits does Parkour gives? \n* Parkour is a form of physical activity therefore assists in combating cardiovascular disease,<br> stroke,<br> high blood pressure,<br> diabetes and cancers.\n* Physical activity in combination with a healthy balanced diet has a direct relationship with helping to prevent obesity or persons being overweight.\n* The effect of physical activity on psychological wellbeing has been researched to show a positive relationship.\n* An increase in self confidence and overall wellbeing can have a positive impact on learning.\n* Parkour is proven to have a direct impact on reducing antisocial behaviour.\n* A Parkour Training Facility is a positive use of an existing space and can enhance any existing facilities whether it is a play or fitness area.\n* Parkour encourages community building,<br> social inclusion,<br> breaking down cultural barriers and gender stereotyping \n\n# Parkour gave me a new vision.\n In Parkour language,<br> we say it \"Eye Path\",<br> which means there's no barrier,<br> no obstacle that can hold us down. We move to wherever we want because we see the path through our eyes,<br> calculate the speed and force we gonna pop and boom. We crossed the path! Parkour is also a kind of Self-defense. Just think some goons started molesting a girl in a quit urban area and that girl knows Parkour. So she can just hurt those goons,<br> climb out the obstacle and run to the nearest police station. And as because she chooses to climb the building and jumping through whatever was the obstacle,<br> she will make a distance with those guys who'll choose the main gate to catch her. \n\n\n# JUST THINK OF PARKOUR. NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE,<br> START PARKOUR RIGHT NOW.\n\n# YOU,<br> YES YOU. GO OUT AND START PRACTICING IT!\n\n ![FB_IMG_1497628680016.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmQmopPjxfRFFyeBxGVvhua1w3CU3TvFTHRMonjQRw9ZgJ\/FB_IMG_1497628680016.jpg)$$\n________________________________________\n \n# Thank you for reading my post. If you loved it,<br> do give a upvote and resteem it.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"life\",<br>\"adventure\",<br>\"art\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"motivation\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmVzyaQ1sUYoHuDvmFKgYMKxmwfXUxZynNK7sorrmSWNH9\/FB_IMG_1497628747715.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmP34mjRFHZs3trf7AYJeYhGjibsEVFqF4TYsfvcSKDakS\/FB_IMG_1497628723464.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmQmopPjxfRFFyeBxGVvhua1w3CU3TvFTHRMonjQRw9ZgJ\/FB_IMG_1497628680016.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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