Transaction: 0a16f71758a7b47c1be8631453461cae67fe6f26

Included in block 35,177,815 at 2019/08/01 17:12:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0a16f71758a7b47c1be8631453461cae67fe6f26
ref_block_num 50,501
ref_block_prefix 1,890,189,333
transaction_num 8
signatures 20551a2f4d22998d1cb3601e302369a988dcca72a2ecc61779d3a7a05e5b1f4fcd0d75121af18b55d68a63edf3f9ae8e4aceeb34f511e8384aa95d7c472a7d5c30
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"photography",<br>"author":"danielownsall",<br>"permlink":"taking-a-walk-in-western-washington-the-evergreen-state",<br>"title":"taking a walk in Western washington the evergreen state",<br>"body":"https:\/\/\/F3jCHGQ.jpg\nToday I took a walk around my apartment to see a little of the beautiful surroundings I have available to me. Being from California during the summer there are usually not a lot of green things. mostly yellow and dry weeds where I am from,<br> northern cali. Now I am up north an hour from the Canadian border. Though very desolate there are some super cool things to see outside. Trails are abundant and I hope to do some more hiking this summer and photography. Sadly my hd camera needs a memory stick and all my phone ones are being used up for crypto none the less i managed to grab a couple quick pics on my adventure. Above is a photo of just outside my apartments there you can see just how picturesque it really is.\n\nhttps:\/\/\/Ajlx4UV.jpg\nPhoto of deep down the trailhead here is an example of just how thick the greenery actually gets. Lots of trees too although I havent yet studied all the wildlife in the area there are deer that frequent it and eat the berries from some of the small plants that come around. black berries are also a thing in washington that were moved here and they take off just by themselves and the sun like crazy. No stopping blackberries when they are planted they take over the area.\nhttps:\/\/\/xj5qAyv.jpg\nsome berries. Although i would not eat these because I stay away from things i dont know about. most definitely are not actual blue berries that I know dont grow around here.\nhttps:\/\/\/yKc07fc.jpg\nAnd last but not least a potted pink rose that just bloomed. looks like a good start to a rose patch. I just love roses and the color pink in nature such an interesting color doesn't exactly have to have a gender stigma attached to it.\n\nthanks for checking out my post. upvote and follow if youd like.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"photography\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"nature\",<br>\"photos\",<br>\"blog\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/F3jCHGQ.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/Ajlx4UV.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/xj5qAyv.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/yKc07fc.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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