Transaction: 091f1d796b5b674a21d210bb04821700ffe6f407

Included in block 12,898,171 at 2017/06/17 11:15:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 091f1d796b5b674a21d210bb04821700ffe6f407
ref_block_num 53,111
ref_block_prefix 3,994,731,640
transaction_num 6
signatures 203841abc0534096096478bf10ef4256a2cf9cf618f337c412a1eea6dc8caf3647795b92530f72c7a1a76137f768efbdc1766d06e6a93ccc15022afa3fa8472b4f
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"story",<br>"author":"interpreter",<br>"permlink":"2rr4ke-how-i-overcome-generalized-anxiety-disorder-depresion-and-agoraphobia-part-one",<br>"title":"How I overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder,<br> Depresion and Agoraphobia (Part Three)",<br>"body":"#How I overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder,<br> Depresion and Agoraphobia (Part One)\n#\n![anxiety-social.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmNsd4BDnWgSseexmu23iVnCBKWUEMQxFHFJfu9ZHxjCmb\/anxiety-social.jpg)\n#\nYou need to read Parts One and Two to understand this chapter please go to the link below:\n#\nPart One\nhttps:\/\/\/story\/@interpreter\/how-i-overcome-generalized-anxiety-disorder-depresion-and-agoraphobia-part-one\n#\nPart Two\nhttps:\/\/\/story\/@interpreter\/how-i-overcome-generalized-anxiety-disorder-depresion-and-agoraphobia-part-two\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe withdrawal experience makes me stronger I thought \"If I could overcome this I could overcome everything. I kept reading and investigating looking for answers and they started to appear.\n\nOn 2007 I found this Google TeachTalks \n#\nhttps:\/\/\/watch?v=L_30JzRGDHI\n#\nThis buddhist monk is called Matthieu Ricard but before being a buddhist monk he was a Molecular Biologist of the Pasteur Institute in France,<br> in resume the most important part of this talk for me was about something called neuroplasticity wich is the the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections,<br> especially in response to learning or experience.\n\nWhat neuroplasticity means is that the brain can be change by experience,<br> so if the brain could in fact be change by will maybe I was able to modify and overcome my mental disorder. I decided to learn how to meditate after all Mathhieu Ricard proved that the mind could be change using this technic,<br> what did I have to lose?\n\nOnce again I looked on the Internet to get some Information and I found this website:\nhttps:\/\/\/en what I found there saves and change my life forever\n#\n\"Vipassana,<br> which means to see things as they really are,<br> is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills\"\n#\n\"The technique of Vipassana Meditation is taught at ten-day residential courses during which participants learn the basics of the method,<br> and practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. There are no charges for the courses - not even to cover the cost of food and accommodation. All expenses are met by donations from people who,<br> having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana,<br> wish to give others the opportunity to also benefit\"\n#\nFree education,<br> free food and free accommodation? Who does that? After 7 years of struggle I started to see a light at the end of the tunnel but there was a little problem,<br> the place where they taught Vipassana was two hours and 45 minutes driving from home and i was having one Panick Attack a day sometimes at night and I still had agoraphobia and extreme anxiety.\n\nSo I said to myself: If I'm going to die I would die liying on this bed or there learning to meditate so \"fuck it\" I'm going to drive to that place stay for 10 days and learn how to change my mind but this would be my last effort If I this is not the right answer I won't look anywhere else I'll just killmyself.\n\nI made that pact to myself suscribe to the Vipassana course and three months later I recived an email saying my request was approved. The Vipassana experience it's amazing but the will I had to have to reach the place where they taught the technique was a real test. I had two panic attacks while driving there and If you had have one of those you know they don't leave your system easily. After the panick attack your body feel exausted due to the energy expenditure but your mind remains broken,<br> in fear,<br> waiting for the next attack to come and the anxiety of that thought paralized you and that's not good at all while driving\n\nSomehow i manage to stay there I saw that even for people without mental disorders learning to meditate was a hard thing to do. Some people leave the course on the first day because they could not sit still for more than a couple of minutes but I was decided to learn how to meditate the proper way because my life depended on it.\n\nI stay there for 10 days I learn the technique and came back home,<br> now I knew how to meditate it was time to start to practice to change my mind. I made a schedule I was going to combine all I have learned,<br> they even teach you to eat least so I try to keep that practice for a while. \n\nI started meditation 45 minutes every day at 4:00 pm and it become an habit.\n\nDoing meditation I learn a valuable lesson a thought it's a thing an intangible thing that appears in your mind,<br> stay there for a while and then disappear. I realize the truth a thought can't harm you and when you have anxiety you believe all the extreme bad thoughts you have in your head so you become the fear.\n\nDoing meditation I learned to look at the a thoughts in my mind but not react to them and that's the ultimate cure for axiety. I takes a lot of time,<br> pain and practice but I proved that Matthieu Ricard was right if you practice enough the way your mind works change and you can overcome any mental disorder.\n\nTo be continued ... ... ...",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"story\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"personal\",<br>\"motivation\",<br>\"how\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmNsd4BDnWgSseexmu23iVnCBKWUEMQxFHFJfu9ZHxjCmb\/anxiety-social.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/vi\/L_30JzRGDHI\/0.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/story\/@interpreter\/how-i-overcome-generalized-anxiety-disorder-depresion-and-agoraphobia-part-one\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/story\/@interpreter\/how-i-overcome-generalized-anxiety-disorder-depresion-and-agoraphobia-part-two\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=L_30JzRGDHI\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/en\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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