Transaction: 08098711bb4be75ab8459f22b036b9a43fcf2ae3

Included in block 36,464,475 at 2019/09/16 06:28:51 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 08098711bb4be75ab8459f22b036b9a43fcf2ae3
ref_block_num 26,438
ref_block_prefix 1,321,895,930
transaction_num 9
signatures 2033f6b71692803027fc06c75b1b5ffe7f4bbc1b0b7ede7c3d8820437a5e93e04e7a8debb1a68a786cc22d006084ad070dc88b38d3ec23dbe74a1eebe301815be9
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"money",<br>"author":"chekohler",<br>"permlink":"we-re-only-in-the-first-innings",<br>"title":"We\u2019re only in the first innings ",<br>"body":"We live in a world now where success is all about the numbers and how much something it someone is potentially worth! Your dollar worth is firmly attached to your self worth and there no place more evident of this than in the crypto space.\n\nSteemians like many crypto enthusiasts are often fixed on the price and if it goes up,<br> down or side to side they have an opinion or rant about it! \n\nNo one knows where the price will go and what makes this worse Crypto is new asset class and because of this we don\u2019t have a frame of reference to fall back on to provide some sort of way of understanding where we are and where we will end up. \n\nYes,<br> I do realise crypto is not the same as traditional stocks that can be diluted and that the tokens have utility unlike shares but I thought I'd take the valuations of the top social media sites and apply it to Steems market cap and see what it would be like in a basic calculation.\n\nSteem is now in its 3rd year with a current valuation of $0.16 \n\n## How centralised social media sites perform\n\nSo let\u2019s compare that with traditional social media sites that eventually went public. \n\n* It took Facebook 8 years since its launch to go public and be listed on the stock exchange \n\n* It took Twitter 6 years to get listed and have its shares traded publicly \n\n* It took Snapchat 6 years to get listed with its IPO \n\n* It took Pinterest 9 years for it to go public \n\n( It took LinkedIn 8 years before they filed for an IPO\n\nSo by looking at it we\u2019re 3\/4 years away from being ready for institutional money to come into the system! \n\nDo you think 4 years is long enough for Steem to mature into something Wall Street would be willing to invest in? \n\nPerhaps I\u2019m biased,<br> but I think so!\n\n## Valuation \n\nHere comes the fun part,<br> with speciation and prediction of course comes the valuation! \n\nSo I thought it would be a fun thought experiment to see what Steem would be worth should they absorb the current market cap of any of the currently publicly traded social media sites stocks! \n\nSteems current market cap sits at 54.6 million dollars according to [Coinmarketcap (https:\/\/\/currencies\/steem\/)\n\n![socialmedia.png (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmX6QfTfGN8xZKLdmAVCcfbte9M5J3A8PaP3SaBjaURHid)\n**Images source* - [ (https:\/\/\/think-big-blog\/social-media-stock-performance\/)\n\n## Pinterest \n\nCurrent market cap 15.76 billion dollars \n\nThat would 288x increase in value on the current Steem market cap \n\nCrudely calculated would leave us with a single Steem costing $46.18\n\n\n## Snapchat\n\nCurrent market cap 22.07 Billion dollars \n\nThis would make for a 404x increase in the market cap for steem \n\nLeaving you with a Steem token speculatively sitting at $64 each \n\n\n## LinkedIn\n\nLinkedIn was publicly listed from 2011 to 2016 until it was bought by Microsoft for 26.6 Billion dollars\n\nThat is 487 times more than Steems current market valuation\n\nLeaving you with a token value of $78\n\n## Twitter \n\nCurrent market cap 32.95 Billion dollars\n\nAbsorbing the market cap of Twitter into Steem would see a 603x increase in dollar value \n\nWhich would result in an assumed price of around $96 to get your hands on 1 STEEM \n\n## Facebook\n\nCurrent market cap is 534.04 Billion Dollars\n\nThis would be a whopping 9790 x gain on the current market cap \n\nResulting in a single Steem Coin having a price of around $1564\n\n## Important to remember \n\nThis is just a crude calculation and there are plenty of market factors at play that would affect the price of the coin such as the inflation,<br> coins removed from circulation,<br> coins traded and the dollars inflation rate. \n\nBut doesn\u2019t take away from being a fun thought experiment for what prices could be like should that type of money find its way to the chain \n\n## The price of success \n\nWould you stick around for valuations like that? What would your current Steem account be valued at? Do you think better prices will even make this a better place? \n\nLet me know in the comments \n\n## Let's connect\n \nIf you liked this post sprinkle it with an upvote or resteem and if you don't already,<br> consider following me @chekohler\n![follow me (https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmSfrQD1Y3vNAfxKRxkEV9wpYcbbVEvqrJ5JcwhUKAhbv2\/chekohler.gif)\n<hr>\n\n|\tBuy & sell STEEM |\tDonate LikeCoin For Free | Earn Interest On Crypto |\n|\t--------\t|\t--------\t|\t--------\t|\n| [![blocktrades.jpg (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmTgDgND5V2APviW9S98heiM37EGcZcHiN8PZa82bRWv4u) (https:\/\/ | [![Likecoin (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/Qmax2MU47GJdRjN9eyYSD2GiK6PfJKGdQZ5eVVuxsFdqzM) (https:\/\/\/cesc0410)| [![cryptocom.jpg (https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/chekohler\/YXJUY7oD-cryptocom.jpg) (https:\/\/\/r\/7svdqvmqx6)| ",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"busy\",<br>\"app\":\"busy\/2.5.6\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"money\",<br>\"int\",<br>\"steemleo\",<br>\"social-media\",<br>\"steem\",<br>\"busy\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"zzan\",<br>\"investment\",<br>\"blockchain\",<br>\"stocks\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"chekohler\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/currencies\/steem\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/think-big-blog\/social-media-stock-performance\/\",<br>\"\/@chekohler\",<br>\"https:\/\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/cesc0410\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/r\/7svdqvmqx6\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmX6QfTfGN8xZKLdmAVCcfbte9M5J3A8PaP3SaBjaURHid\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmSfrQD1Y3vNAfxKRxkEV9wpYcbbVEvqrJ5JcwhUKAhbv2\/chekohler.gif\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/chekohler\/YXJUY7oD-cryptocom.jpg\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.