Transaction: 0570982a169530d32250431ff5efedf88ae49344

Included in block 42,553,392 at 2020/04/15 13:43:36 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 0570982a169530d32250431ff5efedf88ae49344
ref_block_num 20,510
ref_block_prefix 4,240,783,212
transaction_num 13
signatures 202e54598f0bb3b8ebb85205fbf7b1f2517e8b792b04986575e793ecd9b71f5ac806b636c47d403b453d2e1faa593368add47cbfc986eb5baabca1b3db25026e42
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"roller",<br>"author":"salenamartine",<br>"permlink":"what-is-the-need-to-install-the-external-roller-shutters-on-your-premises",<br>"title":"What is the need to install the external roller shutters on your premises?",<br>"body":"Roller shutters are the perfect choice to ensure the security and safety of your premises. External shutters the reliable choice against different conditions. Hiring our professionals for roller shutter installation to [roller shutter repair (https:\/\/\/) will help you get the premium service.\n\n\u25cf\tExternal shutters work on automatic settings\nThe shutters have an automatic motor which makes the operation much easier. This means the closing and opening of the shutters will be done smoothly. Simply just by pressing the button the shutters will lift and close. The workers can work with comfort. \n\n\u25cf\tDetect the obstacles\nThe best part of installing these shutters is that they can detect if something comes underneath the shutters. The shutters have functions that they will stop their right away so that further damage is prevented. \n\n\u25cf\tWeather safety\nAnother reason for getting the shutters is weather safety. Under extreme weather conditions,<br> the shutters will work as a security solution. \n\n\u25cf\tCost-effective option\nInvesting in shutters is a perfect choice. They are rust-proof and you can even get them customized as per your need and preference. With just a one-time investment the shutters will last for a long time. \n\n\u25cf\tControl the temperature\nThe shutters are a great choice in controlling the temperature at your place. This is because the shutter surface is insulated which helps in controlling the heat and cold air from going out of the building.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"roller\",<br>\"shutter\",<br>\"repair\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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