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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"utopian-io",<br>"author":"robertbira",<br>"permlink":"how-to-project-publish-translations-with-github",<br>"title":"How To - Publish translations with GitHub ",<br>"body":"\n#### What Will I Learn?\n\n- You will learn how to understand if a project is implemented for translations on github.\n- You will learn how to edit a file on GitHub.\n- You will learn what is a Pull Request and how to create it.\n- You will learn how to see the status of your Pull Request.\n- You will learn to do translations on GitHub and publish translations on Utopian with GitHub. \n\n#### Requirements\n\n- Utopian Account\n- GitHub Account (preferably the same name of Utopian account or with a Connection with Utopian Account)\n\n#### Difficulty\n- Basic\n\n#### Tutorial Contents\nHello everyone,<br> as requested by many today I will try to explain how to do translations through the dreaded GitHub.\nSpecifically,<br> first of all I will explain how to understand which projects are translatable with GitHub and which are instead projects posted on GitHub but translatable only through Crowdin.\nThen I will show step by step how to perform the translation,<br> starting from the editing of the file to be translated until the approval of the translation itself.\n\n**Step #1**: How to move on GitHub and understand which projects are translatable on the GitHub itself\n> Once logged into GitHub,<br> it is easy to use the search bar to find any project.\nHowever,<br> if you want to translate a project,<br> you can often run against non-translatable projects or projects that can only be translated via Crowdin.\nHow to recognize the translatable projects on GitHub? These projects often have folders with the translatable languages among project folders so just look for them,<br> if there are then you can choose the folder concerning the language with which you want to translate and move on to the next step\n([CLICK TO SEE (https:\/\/imgur.com\/wcNd2HZ)).\nEasier yet,<br> often the owners of the translatable project specify it in the presentation readme,<br> also leaving special links ([CLICK TO SEE (https:\/\/imgur.com\/748YaaN)).\nObviously these methods are only to facilitate the search for translatable projects,<br> everything else depends on you.\n\n\n**Step 2**: How to edit a GitHub file\n> After choosing the folder with the desired language to perform translation you need to edit the file you want to translate.\nFlipping through the files available for translation (usually the files called \"new translations\" must still be translated) choose the one you want to work on.\nThe selected file will open and at the top right there will be several options,<br> click the pencil object to start editing ([CLICK TO SEE (https:\/\/imgur.com\/ZE68px5)).\n**Editor opened**. \n\n**Step 3**: What is a Pull Request,<br> how to create it\n> The Pull Request (PR) is a request to edit a file into a project,<br> every time someone wants to make a change to a file in a project must follow the pull request way.\nOnce the editor has been opened,<br> you have to replace the english file with the translation of the language you want.\nAfter you have to save the changes made using the [\"Propose file change\" button (https:\/\/imgur.com\/cCvyZiM) under the editor. \nAttention because before pressing the button it is recommended to give a title to the change made,<br> if the file's translation is 100% complete use [this format (https:\/\/imgur.com\/KhdEx4T) or if the file's translation is partial complete use [this one (https:\/\/imgur.com\/LCjKPYU).\nImmediately afterwards,<br> our Pull Request will open,<br> which you should confirm twice ([first (https:\/\/imgur.com\/0gK9ubE) and [second (https:\/\/imgur.com\/ludeBLz)) using the [\"Create Pull Request\" button (https:\/\/imgur.com\/3rS9qJm).\nBe careful to double check all changes before confirming everything.\n**Pull request opened.**\n\n**Step 4**: How to see the status of your Pull Request\n> At this point you will have to wait for a moderator of the project to verify your translation.\nTo see the trend just click on the \"Pull Requests\" section of the project concerned ([CLICK TO SEE (https:\/\/imgur.com\/pUYznSc)) or to simply see only your PRs click on the \"Pull Requests\" section in the GitHub top menu ([CLICK TO SEE (https:\/\/imgur.com\/yU2UsWy)).\nBy selecting a pull request we can see if it is still waiting to be accepted,<br> if it has been rejected or if it has been accepted then **MERGED** with the original file.\n**Status viewed**.\n#\n**Step 5**: Utopian Contribution\n> Once your Pull Request (as well as your translation) is accepted and merged you can proceed with the Utopian contribution following the [rules (https:\/\/utopian.io\/rules).\n#\nTHAT'S ALL. \nThanks for attention.\n\n#### Curriculum\nIt's my first tutorial. \n \n\n<br \/><hr\/><em>Posted on <a href=\"https:\/\/utopian.io\/utopian-io\/@robertbira\/how-to-project-publish-translations-with-github\">Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors<\/a><\/em><hr\/>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"utopian\",<br>\"app\":\"utopian\/1.0.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"repository\"<br>\"id\":104593314,<br>\"name\":\"utopian.io\",<br>\"full_name\":\"utopian-io\/utopian.io\",<br>\"html_url\":\"https:\/\/github.com\/utopian-io\/utopian.io\",<br>\"fork\":false,<br>\"owner\"<br>\"login\":\"utopian-io\" ,<br>\"pullRequests\":[ ,<br>\"platform\":\"github\",<br>\"type\":\"tutorials\",<br>\"tags\":[\"utopian-io\",<br>\"github\",<br>\"tutorial\",<br>\"translation\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"robertbira\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/wcNd2HZ\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/748YaaN\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/ZE68px5\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/cCvyZiM\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/KhdEx4T\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/LCjKPYU\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/0gK9ubE\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/ludeBLz\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/3rS9qJm\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/pUYznSc\",<br>\"https:\/\/imgur.com\/yU2UsWy\",<br>\"https:\/\/utopian.io\/rules\" ,<br>\"moderator\"<br>\"account\":\"roj\",<br>\"time\":\"2018-02-05T22:15:15.454Z\",<br>\"flagged\":true,<br>\"reviewed\":false,<br>\"pending\":false " |